The majority of his winnings came from 2-7 Triple Draw games, besting the field of the game type with $1,500,772, while also owning the NLHE pool with $851,359. In PLO, he won $307,617 while in FLO8, his profit is $159,636.

The biggest pot of the month also went to the Swede: he won $428,485 from ‘Sauce1234’ on a $400/$800 PLO tables on 9 January:
‘Isildur1’ opened to $2,700 from the Button, ‘Sauce1234’ 3-bet to $8,400 and ‘Isildur1’ called. The flop came

Blom took another seven out of the ten biggest pots of the month.
His stats for January are as seen below:

Runner-up on the monthly profit list is ‘SallyWoo’ with $1,615,584: the limit specialist won the entire sum in FLO8 games.
The 3rd finisher is Alex ‘PostflopAction’ Kostritsyn with $1,485,771 in profits. The Russian owned the 8-game tables (for $1,637,655) and won $461,630 in PLO, while losing $439,028 in 2-7 Triple Draw and $174,486 in FLO8.
Another seven figure profit went to Phil ‘OMGClayAiken’ Galfond in the month: $1,358,345.
A loss in the similar region was also recorded in January: 2012 online high stakes money list leader Ben ‘Sauce1234’ Sulsky lost a total of $1,759,588 on FTP, next to a minor profit of $235,446 on PS.
Alex ‘IReadYrSoul’ Millar (aka ‘Kanu7’) also lost a large amount ($977,617) on FTP, compensated to a small degree by a $85,024 profit on PS.
The biggest winners of January, 2013 were the following:
Isildur1: $2,819,384 (32,410 hands)
SallyWoo: $1,615,584 (7,900)
PostflopAction: $1,485,771 (25,524)
OMGClayAiken: $1,358,345 (7,335)
Bttech86: $861,324 (11,961)
ronnyr37617: $757,109 (15,467)
1Il|1Il|1il|: $661,072 (5,804)
KPR16: $554,899 (9,960)
kipu: $488,476 (10,410)
andrewkirk: $458,964 (40,356)
And the biggest losers are:
Sauce1234: $-1,759,588 (16,401 hands)
IReadYrSoul: $-977,617 (971)
Gus Hansen: $-720,681 (30,983)
patpatpanda: $-654,909 (31,190)
durrrr: $-531,348 (6,519)
Schoitl: $-525,289 (4,966)
CRAIN85: $-513,648 (8,490)
Poker_KaMI: $-506,852 (12,759)
Johnbest: $-506,056 (6,242)
kagome kagome: $-480,733 (2,931)