24h Poker is not unknown either, being one of the largest poker sites on the Entraction Network. With 24h Poker and NoiQ Poker united by the same network, they have now joined forces to offer this exclusive race for their players.
A quick overview of the current promotion
With a massive €205,000 up for grabs the promotion is split over 5 races, which include:
- The €125,000 Main Race has a whopping 200 winners with a first place prize of €8,000 on offer and is running on the following days:
15 – 18 Feb 2010
22 – 25 Feb 2010
- Plus four €20,000 Weekend Races, running through weekends, when the Main Race halts for a break. Weekend Races offer 60 winners, with first prize taking home a cool €2,000 everey weekend. The dates are as follows:
12 – 14 Feb 2010
19 – 21 Feb 2010
26 - 28 Feb 2010
For further information on the promotion details, please visit our article here.
Started on the 1st February, this promotion has now been running for the past two weeks and the team at Rakerace.com has collected and analyzed the data to show you what it is worth.
The results from the past two weeks will be used to calculate how much players got back over that period and will also enable us to predict rough returns for the whole month.

The table above shows how much rakeback a player can receive on rake generated
When calculating averages, all participants’ data was used, not only the ones listed in the tables below.
With halfway through the promotion already, the Main Race shows to provide an outstanding return for players.
Nedfryst being the current leader with a total of 15483 VIP Points, was able to collect 1935 Points per day. This means that Nedrfyst paid a daily rake of €968.
If Nedrfyst continues to play with consistency over the next half of the promotion, he will have generated €15,483 rake by the end of the month. On top of that, he will be able to obtain a huge 97% total cashback, including the €8,000 first prize and highest possible 45% rakeback.
TTayseer2, currently standing at the 171st position on the leaderboard, with a total of 1436 VIP Points, was able to achieve 180 Points per day.
If TTayseer2 continues his play, he will make himself a nice 38% total cashback, including the €50 prize and 35% rakeback.
On average, if we look at all the data over the first half of the month, we can see that the average player did not do too bad. Having collected 3384 VIP Points so far, the average player achieves 423 Points per day.
This means the player will have a total estimated rake of €3,384, which will provide him with around 53% total cashback, including a €600 prize and 35% rakeback.
All future calculations on weekend tables assume players continue play during weekdays as well.
4bet_bluff, the winner of the first weekend race, secured himself a €2,000 first place prize with a total of 6119 VIP Points and was able to collect 2040 Points per day.
This means that 4bet_bluff paid a daily rake of €1,020. 4bet_bluff has generated €3,060 rake in total.
If 4bet_bluff chose to play over the weekdays and weekends too throughout the month and had the same consistent play, the following would be the result: he would receive a 110% total cashback, including the €2,000 first prize and highest possible 45% rakeback.
I_sing2_U, finishing in the 51st position on the leaderboard, managing to score €20 to add to his bankroll. With a total of 1150 VIP Points, he was able to achieve 383 Points per day.
If I_sing2_U chose to play over the weekdays and weekends too throughout the month and had the same consistent play, the following would be the result: he would make himself a nice 43% total cashback, including the €20 prize and 40% rakeback.
On average, if we look at all the data for the first week, we can see the results of the average player. Having collected 2065 VIP Points, the average player achieves 688 Points per day.
This means the player will have a total estimated rake of €1,033, which will provide him with around 61% total cashback, including an average winning of €344 and 30% rakeback.
Pls3bEtMe being the winner with a total of 7915 VIP Points, was able to collect 2638 Points per day.
This means that Pls3bEtMe paid a daily rake of €1,319. Pls3bEtMe he has generated €3,958 rake in total.
If Pls3bEtMe chose to play over the weekdays and weekends too throughout the month and had the same consistent play, the following would be the result: he would receive a 96% total cashback, including the €2,000 first prize and highest possible 45% rakeback.
santamick, finishing in the 51st position on the leaderboard with a total of 1072 VIP Points, was able to achieve 357 Points per day.
If santamick chose to play over the weekdays and weekends too throughout the month and had the same consistent play, the following would be the result: he would make himself a nice 44% total cashback, including the €20 prize and 40% rakeback.
On average, if we look at all the data for the second week, we can see the results of the average player. Having collected 2339 VIP Points, the average player achieves 780 Points per day.
This means the player will have a total estimated rake of €1,170, which will provide him with around 44% total cashback, including an average prize of €321 and 30% rakeback.

The Winners Daily Performance Table is an overview of the players who took the first place in the three events, comparing the daily rake generated and VIP Points accumulated. Both Weekend Races are now over, but the Main Race is still running.
Both Weekend Races’ winners accumulated more rake during the race period than the Main Race leader. This tells us that weekend players seem to be more fierce.

Our Average Table uses data from all the players that participated in the race, giving an indication of how much an average player achieved.
From the data collected we can still see that even the average player on Weekend Races has a stronger play. The Main Race is all about stamina, whereas the Weekend Races are about collecting as many points as possible in the shortest time.
Return was still higher in the Main race, but the Weekend Races provide up to €2000 reward within two days.
If a player shows the ability to collect a minimum of 400 VIP Points per day, he is almost guaranteed to secure a payout place within the leaderboard.

NoiQ Poker combined with 24h Poker has not let down its followers in this promotion, keeping up its well-known reputation of giving back big and this is a great example of a rake race truly worth a go.
With most players achieveing around 60% total cashback return and even up to 102%, this promotion is a must for every player who enjoys rake races.
If we also take into consideration the other promotions available, such as:
• The 30k double AA promo rewarding lucky cash players (if you get dealt AA in two consecutive hands, your reward will be 500 times the Big Blind, up to €1000)
• 25k triple AA promo (if you get AA three times consecutively, you will recieve the €25,000 grand prize)
• The €40k February Endurance Promo
it is obvious that there has never been a better time to play at NoiQ Poker.
Make sure you don’t miss out!
Comparison: NoiQ Poker & 24h Poker VS PokerHeaven & Paradise Poker

The chart above provides a quick comparison of the rake races analyzed above and the previously reviewed PokerHeaven & Paradise Poker races.
The chart shows us that, although the average total rake is higher at PokerHeaven, NoiQ Poker provides much better cashback percentages for the average player.
It seems, that NoiQ Poker is the best bet this February.
NoiQ Poker room review
PokerHeaven room review