Robin Hood 702 on the right
The player, whose real identity is unknown, calls himself 'Robin Hood 702' (which is the area code for Vegas), because he wants to take money from the rich, and give it to the poor. He has his own website, on which he describes what he does, and why he does it, you also can submit your story, if he feels you are the one that deserves the money best, so if you're in such a bad situation, or just interested, visit his website.
The Las Vegas Sun reported yesterday that the very same person offered a $50,000 bounty on the head of the Bellagio's robber, who, in his full motorcycle gear ran into the casino, and took around $1,5 million in casino chips with himself on the way out. He then disappeared, police are still searching. Here's the LVPD press conference concerning the robbery:
Lt. Clint Nichols of Metro Police's robbery section said the reward is a "very generous offer" and the police is open to Robin Hood offering it through the Crime Stoppers tipline.
He just might be after the publicity with this action, but the most important right now is the speedy arrest of the robber, so next time he runs in a casino like that, no one can be hurt by that handgun. If Robin Hood can speed this process up, nothing else matters then.