As we already showed you in our article on PokerStars’ VIP program, generating about $182,000 in rake per year is necessary at short-handed tables to become a Supernova Elite; at full ring tables, the required amount is around $167,000. Apparently, this is far from impossible.
According to PokerStars’ own statistics, 342 players reached Supernova Elite status in 2010. The most VPPs (3,055,385 to be precise) were generated by WizardOfAhhs, but there are an additional seven players who amassed double the necessary amount of VPPs and did over 2 million. The top 10 players of 2010 generated, by the way, more than 21 million VPPs, meaning they produced over $3.6 million in rake over last year.

On PokerStars’ list “only” the top 42 players are given; they generated 64.6 million VPPs in total, the lowest numbers being around 1,250,000. Assuming the remaining 300 have generated no more than 1 million VPPs, SNE players of 2010 are estimated to have generated 370 million VPPs in all, meaning around $63 million in rake.

Our article on how to generate over 3 million VPPs ($0.5 million in rake) in one year’s time is here!
PokerStars VIP Club Analysed - What does it mean to you?
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