Viktor Blom and Daniel Cates
Cates didn't just go enjoy his money, he logged on to PokerStars, where he started to play heads-up against none other than their new pro, Viktor 'Isildur1' Blom. They played at $50/100 NLHE tables. The clash of very calm, robotic Cates and the ultra-aggressive, emotional Blom seemed to be a great show for the railbirds. Verbal punches soon began to fly, Isildur tilted himself quite quickly:
Isildur1: u so bad its embarrassing
Isildur1: how can u win so much money
w00ki3z.: lol?
Isildur1: such a joke how u play
Isildur1: u win like 10 flipps in a row to
w00ki3z.: lol
w00ki3z.: so many things wrong with what you just said ;/
Isildur1: i play this session untill i bust u or u quit
w00ki3z.: kk lets play
Isildur1: lets get more tbls
This shows that Cates started the match better, which got the Swedish pro's nerves. This didn't help him, Cates managed to dominate the game. This is exemplified by a hand where Isildur lost a $25,176 pot after going all-in to Cates's $2,800 bet after the checked turn. Isildur showed
Cates won the $29698 pot with second pair.
Isildur calmed down soon, managing to earn some of his losses back, by the end of the session he lost $102,616. Cates' total profit for the day was $421,189.
Viktor Blom apologized for his behavior at the of the game:
Isildur1 said, "dey i didnt mean what i said before"
Isildur1 said, "u migth be the best"
Isildur1 said, "i was jsut stilted at another thing"
Isildur1 said, "sry"
w00ki3z. said, "np"
Isildur1 said, "and i understand this is a bit low for u so u splash around some =)"