Even Cates’ activity is dwarfed, however, by that of Andreas ‘Skjervoy’ Tobergsen. The Norwegian has played little online in the past period but is now at 11,683 hands, second only to SCOOP champion ‘forhayley’, who has so far played 13,707 hands. With Gus Hansen and Brian Townsend also back at the PokerStars tables, we might be in for a high stakes action-packed August.
The first days of this month did not lack action either, with no less than 32 pots of 6 digits so far, the biggest one of which went to Ilari ‘Ilari FIN’ Sahamies, aka ‘Ziigmund’.
In a 3-handed $200/$400 PLO game, ‘Ben86’ opened from the button to $1,200, ‘Ziigmund’ raised to $4,000 from the SB, ‘Jeans89’ folded and ‘Ben86’ called. The flop came



Despite the huge win, ‘Ziigmund’ is still the biggest loser of the months so far, with a loss of $571,764. The annual money list is still led by ‘EireAbu’ with $3,431,641 in profit.