After this hand they chatted the following:
durrrr: sweet timing
durrrr: food jus got here
durrrr: couldnt be 30sec earlier
durrrr: ill bbiab
jungleman12: does that mean youre done then?
durrrr: bbiab = be back in a bit
jungleman12: whats a bit
jungleman12: 10 minutes
jungleman12: 30 minutes
jungleman12: i mean real minutes not durrrr minutes
3 minutes later
durrrr: and they got my food wrong
durrrr: fun timing
durrrr: gonna eat when it comes back
jungleman12: lol

Jungleman12's queens stand - 2 times

Jungleman12 is up $582,788, which is not a bad profit after just 11,569 hands played. The challenge goes on until 50,000 hands are dealt.