A little more than a month has passed since the <a href="http://www.rakerace.com/news/poker-humor/the-micros-holiday-special/" title="The Micros Holiday Special"><strong>Holiday Special episode</strong></a> of <strong>John<em> ’JimmyLegs’ </em>Wray</strong>’s and <strong>Jay <em>’Krantz’</em> Rosenkrantz</strong>’ incredibly popular animated series,<em> <a href="http://www.rakerace.com/news/poker-humor/new-comedy-by-jimmylegs-the-micros/" title="New Comedy by JimmyLegs - The Micros"><strong>The Micros</strong></a></em>. The wait, however, is finally over and we daresay it was totally worth it; watch the third installment of the show, <em>Episode 2</em>.