NLHE Event, besting 8,226 players. With a deal struck in the 4-handed phase, ‘mrw8419’ added
$164,619 to his bankroll.

The player under the screen name is not Hungarian, however; he is one of the US high stakes pros
moving to Hungary post-Black Friday, Michael Weisbrod. With a handful of other high stakes players,
Weisbrod rents a flat in Budapest, beating the game from the Hungarian capital.
The team did their homework and looked up the guys from the US to find out why
they chose Hungary as their new home, how they live and how they like it in the Central-European
country. Contacting the residents of the “high stakes apartment,” we asked our questions and Reese
Newell, Michael Leow, Michael Song, Kurt Fruchtman and Michael Weisbrod were happy to answer.
The video interview with the five mid- and high stakes regulars, specialised primarily in heads-up, can be seen below.