Jared Huggins
Last February, the player lost his $100 bankroll in a heads up match, as he posted on 2+2 forums under the nickname 'RelaxedPrecision'. He also lost his 3 jobs, and faced eviction from his apartment that he couldn't pay anymore. Having no friends in Los Angeles, he decided to live on the streets of Venice Beach. 2+2's cynical users suggested him to make funny videos for money. The suggestion was only a joke, but Huggins indeed made some videos, for example where he dances for money, gives free hugs on Venice Beach, or raps about alcohol.
He soon became famous and beloved by the poker community, people started to send them good wishes, advices, and even some money to help him in his bad times. Despite his family issues, bad medical condition, and his hopeless financial status, he managed to get enough money to rent a room. He posted "thank you" video on YouTube in which he shows people where he lives, and thanks everybody who had helped him in the most difficult period in his life.
What is more, Cardrunners instructor John 'JimmyLegs' Wray started a petition to get Huggins playing in the PokerStars Big Game, PokerStars' latest show featuring a 'loose cannon', an amateur player who gets to play against the biggest stars in poker. Many pros have shown support to him, such as Justin 'BoostedJ' Smith and even Daniel Negreanu, regular player of the Big Game, his word might help Huggins getting in the show.
Here's an interview with Jared, made by Pokerstatic.com, in which he talks about everything; his life, himself, family, friends and poker.