Tom 'durrrr' Dwan
Already during the first week of October, durrrr won over $1 million, but playing considerably less in the remainder of the month, he ended up +$991,318. He undoubtedly dominated the PLO tables, winning $1.2 million in 2784 hands, but he was also successful in 7-game, winning $96,619. As far as Hold’em is concerned, however, he lost over $241,028 in 236 hands of FLHE and $69,151 during 4463 hands of NLHE.

Dwan is followed by September profit list leader Andreas ‘skjervoy’ Torbergsen. Playing his favourite gametype, PLO, he won $755,211, also making his way to the fourth place of the annual list with hits total winnings of $2,529,706 in 2010.

Skjervoy's October stats
Patrik Antonius managed to finish third, amassing $612,123 playing a variety of games. 1525 hands of 7-game, 1501 hands of PLO and 752 hands of NLHE brought him$495,421, $248,295 and $109,224, respectively. Only the Omaha Hi/Lo proved not to be his ground, costing him $240,817.

Antonius' October stats
NLHE HU pro Daniel ‘jungleman12’ Cates earned $608,032, which was worth the fourth place of the October list. Playing 7139 hands of his “native” game type, he won $367,908, while 4129 hands of PLO also contributed to his bankroll with $240,124.
Some surprise on the losing side was Phil Ivey, although he played only a humble 1330 hands, costing him $153,441. Isildur1 is still in his downswing as well, losing $199,951 in 12,612 hands. The biggest loss is, however, Ziigmund’s. Ziggy got relieved of $1,717,959 playing 11,114 hands, which is all the more surprising as it was his favourite game, PLO, that let him down, costing him $2,048,572 in 8123 hands. He could only reduce his losses by winning $424,749 in 1511 hands of Omaha Hi/Lo.

Ziigmund's October stats
Nearing the end of the year 2010, such winnings and losses can make a significant difference as regards the annual list, which is currently led by jungleman12 with $4,277,681 (110,771 hands played).
Top 10 winners and losers of October can be seen below.