His upswing was, however, thwarted soon afterwards as he clashed with Ilari ‘Ziigmund’ Sahamies. In all, Blom seemed to do his usual thing yesterday, losing about one third of his total winnings in this year from which $175,000 went to ‘Ziigmund’ alone. This does not change the fact, though, that ‘Isildur1’ is still up over $350,000 and Sahamies is still down $850,000.
Other notable grinders from the northern region include Patrik Antonius, who lost $242,000 in a single night and Gus Hansen, who, in contrast, earned $280,000. As action slowly resumes in online poker, our focus of attention shifts away from the US, apparently northwards on both the American and the European continents. That is, until May 31.