He took one of his biggest pots of the session against milkybarkid in a heads-up match. Ilari FIN opened to $340, milkybarkid raised to $800, Sahamies 4bet to $2,440, his opponent called. The flop came 3 2 6 , both of them checked. The turn came K , milkybarkid opened to $3,836, Ilari FIN called. On the A river milkybarkid check-called Ilari FIN's $12,590 bet. Sahamies showed A A J T , milkybarkid mucked.
Sahamies at EPT Barcelona getting a massage
Wednesday and Thursday were all about Isildur1 at PLO tables, but this time around, Phil 'MrSweets28' Galfond and Ilari FIN were the biggest winners instead of the Swedish pro. Sahamies left the tables with $416,000 profit, but the biggest pot was won by Phil Galfond. In the three-handed game at a $200/$400 PLO table Ilari FIN opened to $1,640 from the button, MrSweets28 called, Isildur1 raised to $6,800, Ilari FIN called, MrSweets28 reraised to $28,880, Isildur1 and Sahamies called. The flop came 4 9 8 . Galfond went all-in with $60,417, Isildur called, Ilari FIN folded.
Turn: 2
River: 6
MrSweets28: A 5 Q A
Isildur1: 8 A T K
Isildur1 broke even even with his awful losses since last Friday, while Ilari FIN is the biggest winner of the last 2 days with a profit of around $416,000. This is a remarkable achievement, as the Finnish player is playing the $5,300 EPT Barcelona Main Event, and he can easily find himself at the final table; he is currently 12th out of the 24 remaining players.
Besides the fantastic play, there is one important question raised. Sahamies is currently in Spain, which is a regulated and closed market and Sahamies shouldn't be able to play the global PokerStars client. Of course it is possible that he applied for an exclusive permit, it is also possible he was using a proxy server, or some other trickery.