Dutch Boyd
Boyd began his career as a wonder kid: he enrolled into college at the age of 12, got his degree at 15 and his PhD at 18. He then turned to poker, in addition to launching business projects. However, his businesses failed one after the other and his poker successes also fell behind, especially after Black Friday. Late last year, he was already looking for any minimum wage job, unsuccessfully.
The American pro has recently decided to write and publish his autobiography, together with his experiences in and strategic knowledge of poker. He started to raise funds for his project titled Poker Tilt via Kickstarter.
Boyd presents his project at the fundraising site as follows:
“I’m Dutch Boyd, a professional poker player. You may have seen me on ESPN in videos such as this:
I’ve won 2 World Series of Poker Bracelets, something that few poker players have been able to achieve.
After winning my first WSOP title, I was asked, “What does winning a bracelet mean to you?” My answer: “Now If I ever go broke, I can always write a book”.
Well now that time has come. So I'm setting out to write the greatest book ever. I’ve teamed up with published author Laurence Samuels to make sure this dream turns into a reality.
What qualifies me to write this book?
I've been playing poker professionally for over a decade. To date only 149 people have won more than one World Series of Poker Bracelet. I’m one of them. I've won over $2 million in poker tournaments and have held my own against the best players in the world. I’ve been in this game a long time and I’m ready to expose the kind of inside information that other pros take to their graves.
What will the book be about?
The book will be part autobiography and part poker strategy. Laurence and I have spent over a hundred hours recording, outlining and writing this book.
The autobiography part details my entire life including my rise and fall as a pro poker player. From being in front of the bright lights of ESPN at the World Series of Poker to being broke. I will also dedicate space for the Pokerspot story. Expect to read fascinating stories including what it's really like to be so close to winning it all.
The poker strategy section details all my secrets including the ones that helped me win two World Series of Poker bracelets. If you play poker, you can use all this information to dominate your opponents and take you game to the next level,” Boyd wrote.
Boyd was co-owner of the PokerSpot online poker room, launched in May 2000. In November 2001, the room was suddenly shut down and players have never got reimbursed for their money on their accounts, a total of about $500,000.
The American pro adds in his description that the money raised on Kickstarter would be used to print and promote the book. Boyd asked for $5,000 and managed to collect considerably more, a total of $8,892.
Kickstarter is a fundraising site to ask for support for the completion of start-up projects. The higher the sum one is willing to pay, the highest interest or reward they can get from the completed project. The community raised a total of $300 million for over 18,000 projects last year alone.