Exclusive loyalty chase payout structure:

(For example: The first 20 players to reach 5000 VIP points, but have no more than 7499 VIP points get a €100 Unibet Shop Coupon.)
- The chase is only available to players who register via this link.
- The 30% loyalty will be transferred to the user's Unibet account monthy (min 100 VIP points required).
- The extra prizes can be spent in the Unibet shop, or used as buy-in for Unibet's online and live tournaments (Due to Microgaming regulations, we are obliged to pay the winnings out this way.)
- A €1 coupon is worth 138 points in the Unibet shop.
- The coupons can be cumulated for 3 months.
- The duration of the chase: 1 - 30 November.
- The rankings will be decided on the basis of VIP points.
- The rankings will be available here.
- The winnings above the 30% loyalty cannot exceed 10% of the gross revenue of the room.