The new calculation method seems to resemble the Essence system introduced by Ongame; this basically means that weaker players get a better moneyback after their rake generation than those who are more successful. The Essence was widely criticised as it affects multi-tabling players, whose main profit comes from the rakeback and the bonuses, disadvantageously. The iPoker network, however, introduces a fine-tuned version of this system, affecting the aforementioned players to a lesser extent.
The new model is to optimise rakeback for winning and losing players; i.e. the somewhat smaller rakeback for regulars should be compensated with some easier-to-acquire dollars at the tables. In addition, iPoker has reassured players that the new method will be much clearer than the Essence and they insist that the high return rates are here to stay, for winning and losing players alike.
According to PokerUpdate, the new calculation will be launched in 2012 in the iPoker rooms and it utilises the following equations (in cash games only):
- Player's Score = (Contribution Percentile * Contribution Weight) + (Income Ratio Percentile * Income Ratio Weight)
- Score Ratio = (Player's Score) / (Sum of Scores),
- Adjusted Player Rake = (Original Player Rake) * (1 – Adjusted Rake Weight) + Score Ratio * Game Rake * Adjusted Rake Weight
- Contribution Percentile is between 1 and 100, where top positive contribution receives a score of 100 and lowest receives a score of 1.
- Contribution Weight is a percentile to adjust the Total contribution of the player.
- Income Ratio Weight is a percentile to adjust the Total Income of the player.
- Income Ratio Percentile - calculation for positive and negative contributors is done separately. Here positive and negative is used in the sense of players contributing positive or negative in favor of the licensees. Total Contribution = Total Wins – Total Bets + Total Rake
- Sum of Scores is calculated from all players’ score, whose rake contribution is > 0, i.e. the player with Original Player Rake > 0.
- Original Player Rake is the player contribution rake according to the distribution method.
- Game Rake is the total rake in the hand.
- Adjusted Rake Weight is the rake percentage to be adjusted.