The Instant Rewards system is a new way of complimenting even the lowest stakes recreational players. With various challenges set up, players who accomplish these are instantly rewarded. The challenges can be linked to a winning hand, say winning a hand by pocket aces, or creating various combinations. A dashboard shows players’ progress in the various challenges real time at the tables. The rewards can be in the form of cash, ring game or tournament tickets, etc.
The system enables tailoring the challenges to specific player characteristics, that is, it can take into consideration if a player is a recreational user who plays relatively few or a multi-tabling regular. This is to provide equal opportunity to win meaningful rewards to those who play only occasionally.
The Instant Rewards system was first introduced at PAF Poker in the Ongame network, and the 7-day test period proved to be extremely successful: PAF reported a 30% increase in player activity after the implementation of the system.
One of the leading Ongame skins, RedKings Poker is now introducing the Instant Rewards as well. The official RedKings Poker statement reads as follows:
“20th February 2013 – In the next few days RedKings Poker will launch the exciting new Ongame Instant Rewards real-time achievement tool, a real money instant reward engine for online poker. It allows players to win a host of Cash and Tournament tickets as Rewards for accomplishing a number of poker challenges.
"RedKings Instant Rewards are real time, hand based, poker tasks based on each player’s unique characteristic. Rewards will be set up based on a variety of parameters such as time period, stake level and game types, opening up great segmentation possibilities.
"Instant Rewards focuses on player achievement and is all about fun and entertainment. It’s just the perfect thing for our many recreational players and is probably the most exciting new feature to be introduced in online poker for many years. Well done Ongame, the players will love it
"On offer will be Rewards like ‘A pocketful of pairs’ ‘Poker Cowboys’ and the ‘Night Owl’ and players will not only be able participate in them all but will also be able to track their progress through their own special web dashboard which updates in real time and the accompanying prize is paid directly to their accounts.
"Instant Rewards will, for the first time, create incentives for casual players, a large and important group that until now lacked reachable and effective triggers. We foresee improved loyalty, increased lifetime rake and consequently better margins."
RedKings Poker Room Review and Registration
PAF Poker Room Review and Registration