The Six-Card Omaha is basically the same game as the regular Four-card Omaha, with the only difference being that players are dealt 6 cards. As Shyam Markus, poker room manager puts it "sometimes 5 Card Omaha isn’t enough".
The sames rules apply in the game; players can use two from the dealt cards and three from the board to make a poker hand. Because there are much more cards dealt in this variant, the premium hands are much more frequent; some even go as far as to say it's too much. The Poker Player magazine described Six-Card Omaha in 2009 the following way:
"Let’s be blunt, six-card Omaha was invented by, and is usually played by, utter degenerates."
The Six O games will be available in 6-max format (as full ring games are not possible due to the exhausted single deck).
FTP introduces the new gametype by nominating Six O as the game of the week next week, which mean double FTP points for the week for all the players who play at Six O tables. On top of this, MTOPS (Full Tilt Poker's new Micro Turbo Online Poker Series) will inlude a $3+0.30 tourney with a $7,500 guaranteed prize pool.