These updates began rolling out yesterday.
Heads-Up, Shootout MTT and MTSNG games are added to available games as far as tournaments are concerned. These games will be offered in Hold'em and PLO formats as well, the buy-ins ranging from $1 to $200. The Shootout tourneys will only be introduced to the regulated markets net week.
iPoker also intends to speed up its games; the new dealing system will deal all the hands at once instead of the regular, 1 card at a time clockwise method.
Heads-Up SNG grinders also received a new treat from the developers of the iPoker client, now they have a 'Rematch' button that allows them to play a rematch with their opponents right away. This will greatly improve the experience of SNG regulars.
iPoker is currently 3rd in the Online Poker Traffic list following the biggest names in online poker PokerStars and Full Tilt Poker; 2,500 players were sitting at the cash tables on average.