Master and Apprentice team competition
The teams will consist of two players, each team member will play a separate $1 tournament, and the team with the best results will win.
Participation requirements
One of the members of the team is the Master, who will participate in the Master tournament. These players have no participation requirements, they only need to have a PokerStars account. The Master only has to create a team and enter the password from the bottom of the article to participate.
The other member of the team is the Apprentice, who will participate in the Apprentice tournament. This tournament is only available to players who have created their account after April 1 and through Rakerace.com.
Rakerace.com will check the accounts/screennames of the Apprentices. Only teams where the Apprentice has created his/her account in April will be eligible for the prizes! The tournament will have a password, but only players who have registered to PokerStars through Rakerace.com can register for the tournament (if you cannot register, it means that your registration is not through Rakerace.com).
If you don't have a PokerStars account yet, you can create one here.
Invite your friends, girlfriends or family members who don't know a lot about poker, prepare them for the tournament, and show them how they can win great prizes by investing just $1!
Players will receive points based on their finishes, the three most successful teams will receive prizes. The Masters in the three winning teams will receive tickets to the Sunday Million worth $215, while the Apprentices will receive a $200 starting bankroll which they can use to start their poker journey. The starting bankroll will be credited to the winners' accounts after the tournament, they don't need to generate rake or play any other games to access it, they can cash out straight away if they want to.
The tournament is a great opportunity for new players, all they need to do to receive a starting bankroll is to do well in one $1 tournament!
Players can create teams on our team competition site and anyone can create or join a team.
Players will receive points based on their finishing positions, based on the table below:

Lets see who will be the Master of Masters and whose Apprentice will crush the others!
Master and Apprentice team competition details
Date: 2015.04.12 (Sunday)
Start: 20:00
Buy-in: $1 (for every team member)
Participation requirements: The Master has no participation requirements. The Apprentice has to create his/her account in April and through Rakerace.com
Password to the Master tournament (Team Challenge - Master Tournament): master
Password to Apprentice tournament (Team Challenge - Apprentice Tournament): apprentice
The tournaments will be available in the PokerStars lobby from Friday.
PokerStars room review and registration