The debate about the fairness of various poker softwares has been a major topic ever since the first program hit the market.
Most professional players can't even imagine playing without a Heads-Up Display (HUD), while others believe that these provide an unfair advantage to players who are using them.

The impact of HUDs on the poker economy has also been a big issue, some rooms have already banned the use of such software to give recreational players a better fighting chance.
Partypoker is the newest room on this list, on October 1 they have announced a new software update (expected to be released in a couple of weeks) that will ban the use HUDs and seating scripts.
The changes
- Players will have the chance to check their owns hand histories for 12 months (under the Mission icon) but they wont be able to download the files, which means they cannot be imported into softwares like Holdem Manager or Poker Tracker
- Players who want to participate in cash games can select what kind of game they want to play and they will be randomly assigned to a table and seat
- When a player is seated at the table, he can see his opponents screennames only in the first hand, after that play is anonymous
According to partypoker Ambassador Tony ''Bond18'' Dunst, the changes will create a more hospitable environment for recreational players and level the playing field for casual players.
Check out our partypoker room review for more information on the room and for a registration guide!
Good luck and have fun at the partypoker tables!