His ''personal vacation'' turned into an all-around resignation from all positions, check out the details below!
As we have previously reported, the owners of PokerStars, Amaya Gaming announced in March that CEO David Baazov is temporarily leaving the company. In his absence his duties were taken over by Rafi Ashkenazi and Dave Gadhia.
His decision to leave was related to the fact that he was accused of five counts of insider trading by Quebec financial authorities AMF. According to AMF, Baazov tried to influence Amaya share prices and released insider information before the purchase of Rational Group.
On August 11, Amaya released an official statement where they revealed that Baazov has resigned all his positions and is leaving the company.
Under the ownership of Amaya Gaming, PokerStars has been on a massive decline which allowed other online gambling companies to increase the number of their player pools.
Baazov has previously stated that he would be interested in buying Amaya, but the fact that he is leaving the company with insider trading charges over his head makes it highly unlikely that he will return to leading position in Amaya in the near future.