Poker Rooms

How to Win Rake Races & Claim the Best Rakeback?

Poker has always been a favourite past time for many friend circles around the globe. But consider this. What if you could improve your skills and strategy in poker while making substantial amounts of money with one mouse click? Today there are millions of people around the world joining poker rooms and tournaments with this thought in mind.
author-picture Admin - 2017. July 27.

Poker has always been a favourite past time for many friend circles around the globe. But consider this. What if you could improve your skills and strategy in poker while making substantial amounts of money with one mouse click? Today there are millions of people around the world joining poker rooms and tournaments with this thought in mind. Moreover, they might be making some free cash at this very minute while you're pondering on whether to give it a try. Don't put it off for later. Roll up your sleeves and learn the essentials. Presuming that you have already chosen your favourite poker game where you feel most comfortable, let's look at some of the more advanced online poker options – the Rake and Rakeback. Many of you might have noticed it on most betting sites you've ended up betting on, but probably you waved it off without really getting a chance to profit from it. In fact, the rake and rakeback structures offered by the different betting sites are as important as the quality and range of the games provided when it comes to finding the best betting sites. It is also where you could lose huge amounts ifyou don't thread with care.

What is the Rake in Online Poker?

Novel to betting online, poker players are often confused by the multitude of bonuses and offers on these
sites. Many rookies haven't heard of the best gambling sites, which is why the reviews bring some clarity to the gaming community. In order to create an informed strategy on rakebacks, do your research first. Start by finding the best comparison sites and rakeback trackers. But first, let us determine what poker rakes and rakebacks really stand for. 

For a very long time in the world of poker, there has been circulating the speculation that poker is the only game that allows you to play against other players of skill rather than against the house, thus making the game ‘beatable’ in all respects. However, online poker cash games and tournaments also collect a portion of the pot every time a player wins a hand, which is also known as the rake in poker lingo. Poker rake represents a percentage of all the bets which is used to pay back the site for its services. With the advance of technology and the proliferation of betting sites and poker offers on mobile, you can imagine how a small figure can turn into a huge profit for the operators, especially when rakes vary from game to game. In tournaments, the entry fee is taken as the rake of the game, and in recent years, professional bettors used this opportunity to make substantial sums by solely relying on the rakebacks from the multiple tournaments they entered. Rakeback represents the money that loyal and high-volume players receive back from the rake in an attempt to attain them on the sites for longer. These are also associated and linked with VIP schemes and leader boards on the sites. It has been proven by these first punters who saw the opportunity to use the rakes to their advantage that it is possible to claim huge profits by simply coming even out of the games without necessarily being a good
player. However, there has been a lot of online clamour as to whether even the pros can beat the rake and make a real profit in the long run. Let’s disperse some of these myths to determine the real importance of the rake.

Best Strategies to Make Use of the Rakeback

Despite being an odd suggestion to many professional poker players, for those early sharks playing multi table poker games was the way forward to make a profit in the long run. It is counterintuitive to play that many games, as for each of them you’d have to pay an entry fee or have a stable bankroll to bet over your opponents and to cover the house, but depending on the percentage of rakeback you can make several times more money than what you initially started off with by collecting small amounts over the long run. The incentive to play as many hands as possible is definitely not to be missed in this scenario, but there are caveats to be aware of. First of all, the impact of the rakes that you’ve paid for each time you won would only be measurable over a long period of time. As for the games themselves, some low stakes or hands if played in these circumstances will not be marginal anymore. Moreover, playing for a rakeback is rather tricky if you’re only just starting in the world of poker. Having a small bankroll and low skills when you have to play loose to claim the rakeback is certainly not the best combination to start with. New players also often underestimate these additional costs, such as the drop and the rake. This is why it’s important to learn how to estimate your rakeback and what to avoid when choosing the best providers.

How to Calculate Your Rakeback?

The poker rake is determined by one of these three methods, each favouring a certain type of player. The dealt rake type favours all players who were dealt cards before the flop, regardless of whether they contributed to the pot. On the other hand, the average rake is determined by all those who have contributed to the pot and favours those who play multiple hands and place regular bets. Weighted contributed rake is similar to the average as it takes into account the contributors and the loose players more than the tight ones. Calculating the rakeback depends on whether you choose a limit or no-limit game and it is determined by the rake’s percentage. To calculate the rakeback from all the games you’ve played, consider the number of hands, tables, game type and rakeback percentage on the different sites. Bearing in mind that rakebacks represent a percentage of the rake (another percentage) and not of what you actually win, the rakebacks usually range from 12% to 72%. If you spot sites offering anything higher than 40%, bear in mind that these sites might be not very popular with other players and that they use rakeback incentives to gain more traffic. This should keep you alert. When fishing for the best rakebacks, I also spotted adverts of over 100% cash returns. This is certainly something to thread with care, as those most certainly are different kind of bonuses than an actual rakeback. For a closer estimate, record this information about the games offering rakeback you’ve played and compare it on several onlinerakeback calculator sites, such as

How to Avoid Bad Rakebacks?

First, bear in mind that rakeback deals differ greatly from site to site and it’s imperative to read the small print on how and when these are distributed. Rakeback offers are also often part of VIP schemes and other rewards, which means that you have to quickly become a regular player and either collect points or be of a certain higher level on the leader boards to enjoy the cash back options. Thus, patience andcontinuity apply here, as well as during the poker game. This is also one of the greatest traps for newcomers, as they often get lured to the poker rooms, assuming that they can live off the rewards. Cash back adverts do not always refer to rakebacks, so read carefully. What turns out to be the biggest mistake of the rookies is that they don’t know how to verify the sites they choose to bet on. Moreover, they often end up on affiliate sites offering the rakeback deal, which is certainly dodgier than the established operators. Before getting too excited about claiming your money back, we recommend visiting for more reviews of the top betting providers and the top current deals.

Which is the Best Place to Make Huge Profit on Rakes?

There isn’t a single correct answer to this question, but what we’ve discovered is that you stand a better chance winning more money on rake races rather than on separate betting sites. Rake race sites that offer a set prize for regular competitions between poker players that generate more rake is the place to go. These competitions range in size up to $30,000 and offer additional bonuses to the winner on top of their monthly bankroll. Rake chases are a variation of the rake race where if an amount of rake is reached a predetermined cash prize is awarded. As with any other game, it is important to be comfortable with the rules. Research the race’s leader boards and archive results. In rake races, it is a must to play multi tables if you want a piece of the cake. This means that your game will degrade, so drop your stakes on time. Also, enter the race at the very beginning to get an advantage on the leader boards and make sure that the race has a consolation award, among any other associated deals.
What if you could improve your skills and strategy in poker while making substantial amounts of money
with one mouse click? Today there are millions of people around the world joining poker rooms and
tournaments with this thought in mind. Moreover, they might be making some free cash at this very
minute while you're pondering on whether to give it a try. Don't put it off for later. Roll up your sleeves
and learn the essentials. Presuming that you have already chosen your favourite poker game where you
feel most comfortable, let's look at some of the more advanced online poker options – the Rake and
Rakeback. Many of you might have noticed it on most betting sites you've ended up betting on, but
probably you waved it off without really getting a chance to profit from it. In fact, the rake and rakeback
structures offered by the different betting sites are as important as the quality and range of the games
provided when it comes to finding the best betting sites. It is also where you could lose huge amounts if
you don't thread with care.
What is the Rake in Online Poker?
Novel to betting online, poker players are often confused by the multitude of bonuses and offers on these
sites. Many rookies haven't heard of the best gambling sites, which is why the
href=""> reviews bring some clarity to the
gaming community. In order to create an informed strategy on rakebacks, do your research first. Start by
finding the best comparison sites and rakeback trackers. But first, let us determine what poker rakes and
rakebacks really stand for.
For a very long time in the world of poker, there has been circulating the speculation that poker is the
only game that allows you to play against other players of skill rather than against the house, thus
making the game ‘beatable’ in all respects. However, online poker cash games and tournaments also
collect a portion of the pot every time a player wins a hand, which is also known as the rake in poker
lingo. Poker rake represents a percentage of all the bets which is used to pay back the site for its
services. With the advance of technology and the proliferation of betting sites and poker offers on mobile,
you can imagine how a small figure can turn into a huge profit for the operators, especially when rakes
vary from game to game. In tournaments, the entry fee is taken as the rake of the game, and in recent
years, professional bettors used this opportunity to make substantial sums by solely relying on the
rakebacks from the multiple tournaments they entered. Rakeback represents the money that loyal and
high-volume players receive back from the rake in an attempt to attain them on the sites for longer.
These are also associated and linked with VIP schemes and leader boards on the sites. It has been
proven by these first punters who saw the opportunity to use the rakes to their advantage that it is
possible to claim huge profits by simply coming even out of the games without necessarily being a good
player. However, there has been a lot of online clamour as to whether even the pros can beat the rake
and make a real profit in the long run. Let’s disperse some of these myths to determine the real
importance of the rake.
Best Strategies to Make Use of the Rakeback
Despite being an odd suggestion to many professional poker players, for those early sharks playing multi
table poker games was the way forward to make a profit in the long run. It is counterintuitive to play that
many games, as for each of them you’d have to pay an entry fee or have a stable bankroll to bet over
your opponents and to cover the house, but depending on the percentage of rakeback you can make
several times more money than what you initially started off with by collecting small amounts over the
long run. The incentive to play as many hands as possible is definitely not to be missed in this scenario,
but there are caveats to be aware of. First of all, the impact of the rakes that you’ve paid for each time
you won would only be measurable over a long period of time. As for the games themselves, some low
stakes or hands if played in these circumstances will not be marginal anymore. Moreover, playing for a
rakeback is rather tricky if you’re only just starting in the world of poker. Having a small bankroll and low
skills when you have to play loose to claim the rakeback is certainly not the best combination to start
with. New players also often underestimate these additional costs, such as the drop and the rake. This is
why it’s important to learn how to estimate your rakeback and what to avoid when choosing the best
How to Calculate Your Rakeback?
The poker rake is determined by one of these three methods, each favouring a certain type of player.
The dealt rake type favours all players who were dealt cards before the flop, regardless of whether they
contributed to the pot. On the other hand, the average rake is determined by all those who have
contributed to the pot and favours those who play multiple hands and place regular bets. Weighted
contributed rake is similar to the average as it takes into account the contributors and the loose players
more than the tight ones. Calculating the rakeback depends on whether you choose a limit or no-limit
game and it is determined by the rake’s percentage. To calculate the rakeback from all the games you’ve
played, consider the number of hands, tables, game type and rakeback percentage on the different sites.
Bearing in mind that rakebacks represent a percentage of the rake (another percentage) and not of what
you actually win, the rakebacks usually range from 12% to 72%. If you spot sites offering anything higher
than 40%, bear in mind that these sites might be not very popular with other players and that they use
rakeback incentives to gain more traffic. This should keep you alert. When fishing for the best rakebacks,
I also spotted adverts of over 100% cash returns. This is certainly something to thread with care, as
those most certainly are different kind of bonuses than an actual rakeback. For a closer estimate, record
this information about the games offering rakeback you’ve played and compare it on several online
rakeback calculator sites, such as
How to Avoid Bad Rakebacks?
First, bear in mind that rakeback deals differ greatly from site to site and it’s imperative to read the small
print on how and when these are distributed. Rakeback offers are also often part of VIP schemes and
other rewards, which means that you have to quickly become a regular player and either collect points or
be of a certain higher level on the leader boards to enjoy the cash back options. Thus, patience and
continuity apply here, as well as during the poker game. This is also one of the greatest traps for
newcomers, as they often get lured to the poker rooms, assuming that they can live off the rewards.
Cash back adverts do not always refer to rakebacks, so read carefully. What turns out to be the biggest
mistake of the rookies is that they don’t know how to verify the sites they choose to bet on. Moreover,
they often end up on affiliate sites offering the rakeback deal, which is certainly dodgier than the
established operators. Before getting too excited about claiming your money back, we recommend
visiting for more reviews of the top betting providers and the top current
Which is the Best Place to Make Huge Profit on Rakes?
There isn’t a single correct answer to this question, but what we’ve discovered is that you stand a better
chance winning more money on rake races rather than on separate betting sites. Rake race sites that
offer a set prize for regular competitions between poker players that generate more rake is the place to
go. These competitions range in size up to $30,000 and offer additional bonuses to the winner on top of
their monthly bankroll. Rake chases are a variation of the rake race where if an amount of rake is
reached a predetermined cash prize is awarded. As with any other game, it is important to be
comfortable with the rules. Research the race’s leader boards and archive results. In rake races, it is a
must to play multi tables if you want a piece of the cake. This means that your game will degrade, so
drop your stakes on time. Also, enter the race at the very beginning to get an advantage on the leader
boards and make sure that the race has a consolation award, among any other associated deals.

Poker has always been a favourite past time for many friend circles around the globe. But consider this. What if you could improve your skills and strategy in poker while making substantial amounts of money with one mouse click? Today there are millions of people around the world joining poker rooms and tournaments with this thought in mind. Moreover, they might be making some free cash at this very minute while you're pondering on whether to give it a try. Don't put it off for later. Roll up your sleeves and learn the essentials. Presuming that you have already chosen your favourite poker game where you feel most comfortable, let's look at some of the more advanced online poker options – the Rake and Rakeback. Many of you might have noticed it on most betting sites you've ended up betting on, but probably you waved it off without really getting a chance to profit from it. In fact, the rake and rakeback structures offered by the different betting sites are as important as the quality and range of the games provided when it comes to finding the best betting sites. It is also where you could lose huge amounts if you don't thread with care.

What is the Rake in Online Poker?
Novel to betting online, poker players are often confused by the multitude of bonuses and offers on these
sites. Many rookies haven't heard of the best gambling sites, which is why the reviews bring some clarity to the gaming community. In order to create an informed strategy on rakebacks, do your research first. Start by finding the best comparison sites and rakeback trackers. But first, let us determine what poker rakes and rakebacks really stand for. 

For a very long time in the world of poker, there has been circulating the speculation that poker is the only game that allows you to play against other players of skill rather than against the house, thus making the game ‘beatable’ in all respects. However, online poker cash games and tournaments also collect a portion of the pot every time a player wins a hand, which is also known as the rake in poker lingo. Poker rake represents a percentage of all the bets which is used to pay back the site for its services. With the advance of technology and the proliferation of betting sites and poker offers on mobile, you can imagine how a small figure can turn into a huge profit for the operators, especially when rakes vary from game to game. In tournaments, the entry fee is taken as the rake of the game, and in recent years, professional bettors used this opportunity to make substantial sums by solely relying on the rakebacks from the multiple tournaments they entered. Rakeback represents the money that loyal and high-volume players receive back from the rake in an attempt to attain them on the sites for longer. These are also associated and linked with VIP schemes and leader boards on the sites. It has been proven by these first punters who saw the opportunity to use the rakes to their advantage that it is
possible to claim huge profits by simply coming even out of the games without necessarily being a good
player. However, there has been a lot of online clamour as to whether even the pros can beat the rake
and make a real profit in the long run. Let’s disperse some of these myths to determine the real
importance of the rake. 

Best Strategies to Make Use of the Rakeback
Despite being an odd suggestion to many professional poker players, for those early sharks playing multi table poker games was the way forward to make a profit in the long run. It is counterintuitive to play that many games, as for each of them you’d have to pay an entry fee or have a stable bankroll to bet over your opponents and to cover the house, but depending on the percentage of rakeback you can make several times more money than what you initially started off with by collecting small amounts over the long run. The incentive to play as many hands as possible is definitely not to be missed in this scenario, but there are caveats to be aware of. First of all, the impact of the rakes that you’ve paid for each time you won would only be measurable over a long period of time. As for the games themselves, some low stakes or hands if played in these circumstances will not be marginal anymore. Moreover, playing for a rakeback is rather tricky if you’re only just starting in the world of poker. Having a small bankroll and low skills when you have to play loose to claim the rakeback is certainly not the best combination to start with. New players also often underestimate these additional costs, such as the drop and the rake. This is why it’s important to learn how to estimate your rakeback and what to avoid when choosing the best providers.

How to Calculate Your Rakeback?
The poker rake is determined by one of these three methods, each favouring a certain type of player. The dealt rake type favours all players who were dealt cards before the flop, regardless of whether they contributed to the pot. On the other hand, the average rake is determined by all those who have contributed to the pot and favours those who play multiple hands and place regular bets. Weighted contributed rake is similar to the average as it takes into account the contributors and the loose players more than the tight ones. Calculating the rakeback depends on whether you choose a limit or no-limit game and it is determined by the rake’s percentage. To calculate the rakeback from all the games you’ve played, consider the number of hands, tables, game type and rakeback percentage on the different sites. Bearing in mind that rakebacks represent a percentage of the rake (another percentage) and not of what you actually win, the rakebacks usually range from 12% to 72%. If you spot sites offering anything higher than 40%, bear in mind that these sites might be not very popular with other players and that they use rakeback incentives to gain more traffic. This should keep you alert. When fishing for the best rakebacks, I also spotted adverts of over 100% cash returns. This is certainly something to thread with care, as those most certainly are different kind of bonuses than an actual rakeback. For a closer estimate, record this information about the games offering rakeback you’ve played and compare it on several online rakeback calculator sites, such as

How to Avoid Bad Rakebacks?
First, bear in mind that rakeback deals differ greatly from site to site and it’s imperative to read the small print on how and when these are distributed. Rakeback offers are also often part of VIP schemes and other rewards, which means that you have to quickly become a regular player and either collect points or be of a certain higher level on the leader boards to enjoy the cash back options. Thus, patience and continuity apply here, as well as during the poker game. This is also one of the greatest traps for newcomers, as they often get lured to the poker rooms, assuming that they can live off the rewards. Cash back adverts do not always refer to rakebacks, so read carefully. What turns out to be the biggest mistake of the rookies is that they don’t know how to verify the sites they choose to bet on. Moreover, they often end up on affiliate sites offering the rakeback deal, which is certainly dodgier than the established operators. Before getting too excited about claiming your money back, we recommend visiting for more reviews of the top betting providers and the top current deals.
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