We believe, being a rakerace.com player offers several benefits. The most important of all is the exclusive promotions, we offer for our players, which allows them to make extra rakeback at many poker sites.
These promotions are typically rake races and rake chases. If you participate in a rake race, the amount of rake you generate will determine your place on the leaderboard, and the prize you receive.
While races are popular in general, their biggest disadvantage is that you have to compete against fellow players and since you don't know how much they will play, it can be sometimes hard to predict how much extra you'll earn in the end.
The other category of our exclusive promotions is rake chases. These promotions offer more easily calculatable extra rakeback, as players don't compete against others. There are certain levels, which are defined in advance, which determine the prize the participants will receive.
It doesn't matter how many players generated more rake than you, you can still walk away with the biggest prize if you meet the criteria.
In a race, in this example, you probably wouldn't have won a prize.
As you can see here, all of our chases guarantee the players 8-23% extra rakeback, meaning nice extra cash on top of their winnings and the rakebacks offered by the sites. Those, who generate more rake than the highest target in our chases, will automatically be entitled to the highest rakeback percentage.
See our ongoing promotions here!
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