When they hear the phrase, dead man's hand, the true poker fans can all tell the notorious story of the wild west, including Wild Bill Hickock and Jack McCall.
Back in the days, when poker was played in smokey saloons between dangerous bandits, it was probably harder to go home safe after a winning session, than actually winning in the game. But many things have changed since then - for the better.
If you're serious about learning poker and becoming a winning player, you probably figured out that it's extremely hard to do it on your own. The vast majority of people have no shot at becoming a profitable player without resources and help. Of course, we all know the tales of legendary prodigies like Viktor 'Isildur1' Blom, who was able to crush the highest stakes despite being lone wolfs.
However, most of the pros - including top-notch players with the likes of Fedor Holz or Ike Haxton - praise the power of having a network of good players around them, who they can work, analyze and study the game with.
These guys may make it easy to win millions of dollars playing poker, but in reality, they spend more time on working on their games, using poker tools, like the ICMIZER - which many believe is the most useful software for tournament players - than they do at the poker tables.
While this sounds pretty boring, if you want to become successful, you have to do the homework, there are no shortcuts on the way to poker glory!
Efficiency is always a key factor. In the age of the internet, where you can find hundreds of thousands of websites regardless of the topic, it's extremely important, to filter them, and only spend time on the ones, that can help you improve your game.
Even though sites like the Reddit forums are filled with comments on poker, and many of the users on these public forums act as they know what they talk about, this could not be further from the truth.
If you think about how many people in the world play poker and how many of them are winning players, it's easy to realize, that just because an internet warrior says something, it's probably not what you should follow and find poker advice elsewhere.
But where exactly?
This probably sounds a bit disappointing, but poker is no different: information is power - money is power. What do we mean by that? Unfortunately for the newbies, in 2019, almost all of the information on public forums which you can access for free is useless, or even harmful.
If you have the desire to start winning at poker, you need to find reliable coaching sites, and coaches who stood the test of time. Once you find the best poker coaching site, you can be sure, you're on the right path, but the hardest part starts after this: you have to put in the hours, study, and play.
After this, you can count on your much-wanted poker success, and the money you spent on your education - just like in any other areas in life - will pay off!