Ben Hopkins
The invitational tournament at the Foxwoods Resort Casino didn't attract players because of the $15,000 prize pool, but instead of the fact that the 9 final tablists did also play the event. They played against 18 randomly selected amateur players and Bernard Lee, representing Foxwoods casino, ESPN commentator Lon McEachern and poker publisher Kasey Thompson.
The pros however, wanted to "up the ante" so they added $5,000 each as a side bet, which the best November Niner would win.
This player, contrary to expectations wasn't Jonathan Duhamel, since he was eliminated 5th, when he went all-in with

In this interview, Matt Jarvis talks about the ongoing tournament, plus the other side bets they had with the other players.
1. Ben Hopkins $5,000
2. Matt Jarvis $3,000
3. Bill Raynor $2,000
4. Anthony Palladino $1,000
5. Jonathan Duhamel $1,000
6. Bernard Lee $1,000
7. Michael Mizrachi $500
8. Joseph Washington $500
9. Rich Grygeil $500
10. Mark Walsh $500