Seat 1: Chris Bjorin - 197.500
Seat 2: Robin Rightmire - 107.000
Seat 3: Jason Mercier - 89.500
Seat 4: Thomas Fuller - 168.000
Seat 5: Josh Brikis - 119.000
Seat 6: Bernard Lee - 265.000
Seat 7: Matthew Perrins - 293.000

Jason Mercier
On the 18th blind level the shortstack Jason Mercier went all-in with his remaining 70,000 chips, Josh Brikis raised all-in, and has eliminated Mercier with his 9-7-6-5-3 hand.
On the 19th level, Perrins eliminated Brikis with some luck. He did so with Fuller and Bernard Lee as well. Nobody could stop Perrins. Only 3 players remained:
Matt Perrins - 850.000
Chris Bjorin - 220.000
Robin Rightmire - 190.000
On the 21th blind level Robin Rightmire went all-in from the small blind, Perrins (of course) called. Rightmire drew a 6 for his 9-7-6-3 hand and made a pair, Perrins drew a ten for his 7-6-4-2, which was enough to beat Rightmire.
Matt Perrins - 950.000
Chris Bjorin - 270.000
The heads-up started with the devastating chiplead of Perrins, which he quickly inceased to a 11:1 lead. In the final hand, he went all-in, Bjorin called, one draw was left:
Perrins: 8-6-5-3
Bjorin: T-7-6-3
Perrins drew a 2, therefore, Bjorin's K didn't improve him.

Matt Perrins
Perrins won his first WSOP bracelet ever. An interesting piece of information is that this was the first time Matt Perrins played 2-7 ever. "My friends were telling me the game and said it is fun and quite similar to Hold’em, so I thought ‘Why not? I’ll give it a try"- he said. He consulted a half-hour YouTube video which taught him the basics of the game, and not much later he already sat at the table at the Rio Casino. In an interview he said: "To be honest, Day 1 the first three or four hours, I didn’t really know what was going on here. I kept speaking to mates [asking] what to do here, what to do here. As the tournament got deeper, it was kind of similar to Hold’em where opening a lot of pot and three-betting wins you a lot of pots."
1. Matt Perrins - $102.105
2. Chris Bjorin - $63.112
3. Robin Rightmire - $41.643
4. Bernard Lee - $28.422
5. Thomas Fuller - $19.906
6. Josh Brikis - $14.296
7. Jason Mercier - $10.524
8. Aaron Schaff - $7.937