The local star, Dragan Galic closed the qualification period in the chiplead with a 699,000 stack.
Dragan Galic - 699.000
Nikolay Bibov - 419.000
Mate Mecs - 419.000
Alija Filipovic - 325.000
Marius Van de Goor - 241.000
Verdan Premuzic - 185.000
Ivan Brkicic - 174.000
Karolj Kis - 152.000
Karolj Kis got eliminated in eighth place. Next to leave were Van de Goor, Premuziv and then Ivan Brkicic. Fourth place was taken by Nikolay Bibov, and a few minutes later it came down to heads-up with Galic losing his remaining chips against Alija Filipovic.
Alija Filipovic - 1.850.000
Mécs Máté - 750.000
Mecs started out really well in the heads-up, also taking the lead for a short time, but Filipovic managed to hang in there and restore former chip counts. Mecs finally went all-in with K J, which Filipovic called with A K. The board came K85 5 Q.
Mecs and Filipovic in the heads-up
Mecs finished the main event in second place, taking home €32,000, thanks to the previously made deal.
Final table results:
1. Alija Filipovic - €42,700
2. Mate Mecs - €32.000
3. Dragan Galic - €16.400
4. Nikolay Bibov - €13.450
5. Ivan Brkicic - €11.200
6. Verdan Premuzic - € 9.050
7. Ruud Van de Goor - €7.300
8. Karolj Kis - €5.910
Congratulations to the winners!