Seat 1: Dan Shak – 390,000
Seat 2: Daniel Cates – 340,000
Seat 3: Jennifer Tilly – 190,000
Seat 4: Tobias Reinkemeier – 460,000
Seat 5: Talal Shakerchi – 280,000
Seat 6: Jonathan Duhamel – 420,000
Seat 7: Antonio Esfandiari – 230,000
Seat 8: Sam Trickett – 270,000
Shakerchi was out first, going all-in with A-8 and running into Esfandiari’s call with A-J for a better kicker. The latter soon eliminated Tilly as well, who opened with pocket tens, the Big One champion 3-bet all-in on K-Q, Tilly called and the board showed a K with neutral cards.
Even though starting in the lead, Reinkemeier was out in 6th place: he continued to lose chips until going all-in on the 4-7-6 flop with K-7. Duhamel called with a 5-3 for a straight. Cates folded his Q-7 and the turn and the river came neutral.
Next it was ‘jungleman’s’ turn, who got railed with pocket sevens against Shak’s fours that improved to a set on the flop. Duhamel, while taking the lead by Level 7 (4,000/10,000/20,000), first shoved with A-2 on Tirckett’s 40,000 open and met the Brit’s A-Q, then went all-in again on a Q-9-J-5 board with 9-5 two pairs against Shak’s J-9 top two pairs. Three players were left:
Sam Trickett – 1,123,000
Dan Shak – 959,000
Antonio Esfandiari – 458,000
Shortstack Esfandiari was out to give way for the other two to play heads-up: he shoved on pocket nines against Shak’s A-2 hand, which improved to a pair of aces on the river.
Dan Shak – 1,709,000
Sam Trickett – 871,000
In the heads-up, Trickett managed to take the lead, then he lost it to take back again by the time the key hand of the match came: on a

Dan Shak
Tirckett was left with 78,000 in chips and was out in the next hand. Dan Shak won the PartyPoker Premier League VI champion’s title and the $450,000 first prize.
The end results are as follows:
1st: Dan Shak – $450,000
2nd: Sam Trickett – $200,000
3rd: Antonio Esfandiari – $150,000
4th: Jonathan Duhamel – $125,000
5th: Daniel "Jungleman" Cates – $100,000
6th: Tobias Reinkemeier – $70,000
7th: Jennifer Tilly – $60,000
8th: Talal Shakerchi – $45,000