The Final Table Seat Draw was as follows:
Seat 1: Allen Cunningham – 452,000
Seat 2: Nicolas Halvorson – 110,000
Seat 3: Jean-Nicolas Fortin – 47,000
Seat 4: Eric Crain – 620,000
Seat 5: Jaspal Brar – 382,000
Seat 6: Timothy Reilly – 282,000
Seat 7: Anthony Harb – 178,000
Seat 8: Lev Rofman – 200,000
Seat 9: Kenneth Shelton – 160,000
Play started on Level 19 (5,000/10,000) and it only took five hands for the first elimination to come: shortstack Jean-Nicolas Fortin opened to 35,000, Carin 3-bet to 90,000 and Fortin called with his remaining 12,000, showing A-Q. Carin held A-K and he rivered a king to secure the elimination.
Next out were Timothy Reilly and Nicolas Halvorson, followed by Crain, who called all-in preflop with his remaining chips on Cunningham’s shove on Level 22 (10,000/20,000).



Cunningham had his set and Crain was out in 6th.
Anthony Harb and Kenneth Shelton followed and the heads-up was set when Cunningham railed Jaspal Brar in 3rd place: they shoved on the K-T-8 flop and Cunningham’s K-T cracked Brar’s pocket aces, without the rest of the board helping him.
Allen Cunningham – 1,700,000
Lev Rofman – 710,000
Lev Rofman climbed up several times to see Cunningham retake the lead but, in the end, he had the edge in the last hand on Level 25 (20,000/40,000): Rofman raised to 120,000, Cunningham called and the flop came





With both players on king high and flush draw, the river gave a pair to Rofman and, with it, the golden bracelet.

The end results are as follows:
1st: Lev Rofman – $166,136
2nd: Allen Cunningham – $102,819
3rd: Jaspal Brar – $68,332
4th: Kenneth Shelton – $50,709
5th: Anthony Harb – $38,055
6th: Eric Crain – $28,839
7th: Nicolas Halvorson – $22,050
8th: Timothy Reilly – $16,994
9th: Jean-Nicolas Fortin – $13,195