The semi-final duels were as follows:
Ben Sulsky v Don Nguyen
Mark Radoja v Justin Bonomo
Nguyen dominated the game against Sulsky; by Level 3 (12,000/24,000), he had a lead of four times over his opponent. Sulsky did not manage to come back and lasted until Level 4 (15,000/30,000). In the last hand, Nguyen opened to 60,000, Sulsky 3-bet to 145,000, Nguyen 4-bet to 800,000, which was about Sulsky’s all-in. The latter shoved with 935,000 and Nguyen called.



Nguyen improved to a straight and made it to the Final Table.
The other duel saw a more diverse battle: Bonomo built a major edge but Radoja doubled up on Level 4, his A-7 holding out against the Q-9. Bonomo still maintained a lead of around two times his opponent’s stack and Radoja’s situation began to worsen once again. The Canadian was down to only 241,000 in chips when he managed to double up again with a pair of jacks, and then again with a set of fours against Bonomo’s 6-7 on the 3-6-4-4-T board.
Justin Bonomo – 2,356,000
Mark Radoja – 1,484,000
The two of them switched to an even more aggressive style after that, with one or the other gaining a slight lead for a short time. Eventually, on Level 5 (20,000/40,000), the match ended: Bonomo, at this time behind, went all-in and Radoja called.



Radoja earned his ticket to the Final Table with two pairs.
He also started the finale better but lost a major pot to give the lead to Nguyen. By Level 4 (30,000/60,000), the latter had 5,030,000 in chips against Radoja’s 2,655,000. Radoja began to win pots one after the other on Level 6 (60,000/120,000) and managed to crawl back. In the last hand, they had about the same stacks; Nguyen shoved and Radoja called.



With the top pair falling down on the river, Radoja won the tournament.

After Brian Hastings in 2012, now Mark Radoja is the NLHE Heads-Up world champion.
The end results are as follows:
1st: Mark Radoja – $331,190
2nd: Don Nguyen – $204,648
3rd: Justin Bonomo – $110,485
4th: Ben Sulsky – $110,485
5th: Phil Hellmuth – $54,024
6th: Randy Lew – $54,024
7th: Sean Winter – $54,024
8th: Russell Rosenblum – $54,024
9th: Phil Galfond – $26,237
10th: Alexander Venovski – $26,237
11th: Warwick Mirzikinian – $26,237
12th: Davidi Kitai – $26,237
13th: Bryan Pellegrino – $26,237
14th: Craig Bergeron – $26,237
15th: Melanie Weisner – $26,237
16th: Marc–Andre Ladouceur – $26,237