Seat 2. Dao Bac - 340.000
Seat 3. Calen McNeil - 490.000
Seat 4. Joe Ford - 592.000
Seat 5. Todd Brunson - 662.000
Seat 6. Stephen Chidwick - 75.000
Seat 7. Won Goag - 120.000
Seat 8. John Monnette - 570.000
Seat 9. Tony Ma - 265.000
Dao Bac was the first to leave the final table, followed by Won Goag. Seventh came to be the two-time WSOP champion John Monnette, who opened from MP, the BB Calen McNeil 3bet, Monette called. The flop came





McNeil won with higher two pairs.
On the 27th blind level (20,000/40,000) McNeil opened from MP, Todd Brunson called from the SB, Stephen Chidwick 3bet from the BB. McNeil 4bet, Brunson called, Chidwick went 5bet all-in. Both of his opponents called. Brunson checked the



River: x8
McNeil showed aces and low straight draw, Chidwick had almost no outs, the river didn't help him.

The 5th came to be Tony Ma, the 4th Joe Ford, the heads-up was set with the elimination of Todd Brunson.
Can Kim Hua - 3.200.000
Calen McNeil - 1.300.000
The heads-up brought about some dynamic games; but the two players couldn't overcome each other; according to the organizers' decision, the heads-up will continue on Thursday. The two finalists will return to the following stacks:
Calen McNeil - 3.470.000
Can Kim Hua - 1.100.000
Final Results:
1. $277.274
2. $171.577
3. $107.349
4. $77.917
5. $57.521
6. $43.120
7. $32.798
8. $25.283
9. $19.753
10-12. $15.632
13-15. $12.539
16-18. $10.184
19-27. $8.377
28-36. $6.995
37-45. $5.913
46-54. $5.051
55-63. $4.366
64-72. $3.832
73-90. $3.408
91-99. $2.819
100-117. $2.600