Seat 1: Nghi Tran – 4,130,000
Seat 2: Justin Zaki – 2,300,000
Seat 3: Joe Morneau – 2,585,000
Seat 4: Alex Case – 1,760,000
Seat 5: Roland Israelashvili – 3,375,000
Seat 7: Kevin O'Donnell – 655,000
Seat 8: Brian Yoon – 2,650,000
Seat 9: Cuong Van Nguyen – 1,050,000
Play started on Level 30 (10,000/50,000/100,000) and, in a hectic start, three players got eliminated within the first ten hands. First, Joe Morneau opened to 200,000 and Alex Case, who lost over 1.5 million in chips in the first hand of the day, called all-in with 170,000. Roland Israelashvili also called and the rest folded. The flop came


Case: Tx 9x


Case was out in 8th place as the first victim of the day.
In the very next hand, however, Kevin O'Donnell followed him, his shove getting called by Tran. The latter held

The day’s original chipleader, Tran busted out in 5th place on Level 31 (15,000/60,000/120,000), 3-beting all-in preflop with

Brian Yoon – 14,035,000
Cuong Van Nguyen – 5,000,000
Yoon increased his lead in the short heads-up and Van Nguyen moved all-in with about 3,000,000 in chips in the 11th hand of their duel, on Level 32 (20,000/80,000/160,000).
Van Nguyen:



The king on the river was one of the outs that could turn the hand after the flop and so was Van Nguyen eliminated in 2nd place.

Yoon won his first ever golden bracelet, together with the $663,727 first prize.
The end results are as follows:
1st: Brian Yoon – $663,727
2nd: Cuong Van Nguyen – $408,264
3rd: Roland Israelashvili – $295,433
4th: Justin Zaki – $218,771
5th: Nghi Tran – $163,340
6th: Joseph Morneau – $122,933
7th: Kevin O'Donnell – $93,269
8th: Alexander Case – $71,311
9th: Adriano Santa Ana – $54,960