Poker Dictionary

Action - 1. It is a player's turn to decide what move to make. 2. Loose, is the term for a game with a lot of raises.

A-Game - 1. A poker player is playing to the best of his ability, i.e. playing his A-game. 2. The name for a game played on the highest possible.

ABC Player - Used to describe a player who is very predictable. Usually plays tight, follows the advice of the poker books he has read to the letter.

Ace - The highest or lowest ranking card in the deck, depending on the type of poker you are playing.

Ace in the Hole - If at least one of the hole cards dealt to the player is an Ace.

Ace Out - A commonly used term for the situation where someone wins with an Ace high card. This may be because the opponent had an even weaker card on the show, or bluffed to discard his right hand.

Ace-to-Five Lowball - The collective name for poker variations where the winning hand is the lowest-value combination of cards, also known as 5432A wheel. The Ace is the lowest valued card hand, rows and suits do not count.

Ace-to-Six Lowball - The collective name for poker variations where the winning combination is the lowest valued card combination, which is 6432A.In comparison to the previous example, the straight counts here so 5432A may not be the best hand.

Ace-High - A five-card poker card combination that does not contain a pair or better, but does contain an Ace. (A similar variation is used for King-High, Queen-High, etc.)

Aces and Spaces - 1. A five-card poker hand combination that contains two aces and three other worthless cards. 2. For poker varieties that use more than two hole cards, a hole card combination that contains a pair of aces but the other cards are worthless, so there is no chance of making good draws, low or high combinations.

Aces Full - A full house that contains three aces and a pair.

Aces Over - Two pairs, one of which is an Ace. Usage: aces over tens: AA-TT two pair

Aces Up - Two pairs, one of which is an ace.

Aces Wired - Two aces in hand. Other commonly used names: Bullets, American Airlines, Eyes of Texas

American Airlines - Pair of Aces as a starting card. (AA)

Acey-Deucey - 1st A2 in hand. 2. Two pair, AA-22.

Act - 1. To make a particular move ( bet, call, check, fold or raise ) at the appropriate time. 2. The player acts to deceive the opponent.

Action card - A community card that matches the cards in the hand of at least two players, and raises are initiated because of it. For example, an Ace on the flop when two players have an Ace.

Action Spot - The central part of the poker table where the players place their raises.

Active Player - A player who is involved in the fight for a particular pot. If there are side pots, a player who is all-in may be active in some pots but not in others.

Add-on - For tournaments, a rebuy that everyone is eligible for, regardless of chip position. This is usually only allowed once, at the end of the rebuy period. An add-on is more chips per dollar invested than buy-ins and rebuys.

Advertising - A method of deception. The presentation of cards after an obviously bad play or a successful bluff in order to give the opponents a false impression of the player's style and knowledge. The player may also seek to show only good cards, which may make opponents believe that he rarely bluffs.

Aggressive - A style of play characterized by a lot of raising and re-raising.

Ainsworth - Six-two (62)

Ajax - Ace-Jack (AJ)

Alabama Night Riders - Three Kings (KKK)

Alexander - King of clubs.

All Blue - Spade or club flush.

All Pink - Heart or diamond flush.

All-In - If a player puts all his chips in the pot, he is all-in.

All-In Over the Top - After a raise by an opponent, the player puts all his chips into the pot.

All-In protection - A term used in online poker rooms to describe protection in the event of Internet disconnection. If there is a breakdown in communication between the player and the server during a hand, the player will act as if he is all-in. His hand remains, but no further action is taken. At the end of the hand, if he has the winning hand, he wins the pot that existed when the all-in protection went into effect. Intentional use of all-in protection is cheating and is penalized by the house. Not all online poker rooms use it. In many cases, the player's hand is folded when there are connection problems.

Alternate Straight - A five-card combination made up of every other card. For example 6,8,10, Q, A A hand not recognized under official poker rules. Used in private clubs with their own rules. It is stronger than a normal straight because it can occur in fewer combinations. Other names: skip straight, Dutch straight

Ammo - The amount of chips held by a player.

Angle - An action that is possible under the rules, but ethically questionable, to improve the outcome.

Anna Kournikova - Ace-King (AK) Looks good, but rarely wins. :)

Ante - A small bet that all players must place before each hand. In Texas Hold'em, usually only in the late stages of tournaments or deep-stack cash games.

Apple - The largest grassroots game in a poker club.

Arkansas Flush - A four-card flush.

Argine - Queen of clubs. An anagram of the Latin word regina (queen).

Around the Corner Straight - A five-card combination of consecutive cards, a special kind of straight that includes K-A-2. Not a recognized hand under official poker rules. Used in private clubs with their own rules. It is stronger than the normal straight because it can occur in fewer combinations.

Asian Games - Former name for California games.

As Nas - A Persian card game from which poker is derived.

Average pot, AvgPot - In English, average pot. Shows the amount of average pots won at a poker table over the last few hands. There are two main ways of calculating this: 1. 2. When the un-called raise is not counted in the pot from which the average is calculated.. In the second case, the average pot values displayed in the online poker room will be lower for the same style of play. The values will differ especially in NL games.

Ax, AX - Two cards, one of which is an ace. The other can be anything but is likely to be a low value card.

Air - nothing. Used for a worthless, weak card.

Ante off - If a player is not at the table during the tournament, the antes, small blinds or big blinds are taken off in the same way to keep the tournament fair to the other players.

AIPF - All-in preflop, i.e. when one or more players go all-in preflop.

ATC - Any two cards or A2 xx

Auto-rebuy - A commonly used setting in online poker whereby in cash-game games, if a player loses chips, they are automatically re-bought by the client, while in tournament poker, they are automatically re-registered for the tournament.

Bullets - chips

Bet - Call, raise. We have the option to raise when we either start the betting round or we are passed before we do. Preflop, the English word for raise is not bet, but raise. The word bet is also used preflop to call the big blind. Postflop, if someone has raised before you, the English word for raising to them is also raise.

Big Blind - the larger of the two blinds and the amount typically used in a hold'em game. The big blind is usually the amount of a full first round call. See also 'blind' and 'small blind'

BB - The abbreviation BB in various poker forums usually stands for Big Bet! One Big Bet = 2 Big Blinds! Most commonly used for the BB/100 indicator, which shows how many Big Bets a player makes in 100 hands!

BB/100 - The BB abbreviation used in this indicator stands for Big Bet, where one Big Bet = 2 Big Blinds! BB/100 shows how many Big Bets a player makes in 100 hands!

Backdoor - A draw that needs at least two more cards to complete. For example, if you have a three-card flush or straight draw on the flop and one card arrives on the turn and one at river.

Back in - To get into a pot by first checking and then calling another player's bet on the first call.

Bad beat - What is called a bad beat when a much less favored hand beats a strong favorite. It is used to indicate that the winner of the hand had virtually nothing to gain from the hand and was very lucky to catch the hand that allowed him to win. You will come across this term many times during your poker career.

Balance, balancing - this term refers to playing very different hands in a very similar way, in order to make it as difficult as possible for your opponent to get information about your hand (although the expected value is that the hand should be played differently).

Bankroll - The amount of money that a player has available to play.

Behind - If (at that moment) we do not have the best hand.

Big Bet Game - A game with a no limit or pot limit structure.

Big Stack - A stack size that is relatively large compared to the blinds. Compare: 'short stack'.

Blank - A card, often a community card, that has no particular value or significance. Ex: "I thought Margaret had a good draw, but the river was blank, so I called again."

Blind - obligatory call, the unit of measure of the basic call

Blind Off, Blinded - 1. See 'ante off' 2. When one runs out of stack by having to continually call blinds during a tournament.

Blocker - To 'hold' one of another player's outs, typically when there is a threat of a flush or straight draw on the board.

Blocking Bet - A disproportionately small call from an out-of-position player in order to prevent a larger call from a player who is next in line.

Bluff - A call or raise by a player who does not have the best hand (or no good hand at all). It is intended to make an opponent with better cards fold.

Board - "The Table" - The common cards in poker that are down on the table and everyone uses them.

Bottom Pair, Bottom Set - The pair (or set) that connects to the lowest card on the board.

Bounty - In certain poker tournaments, the organizers may put a bounty on the heads of certain players; whoever eliminates these players will receive a special cash prize. In some tournaments, there may be a bounty for every player eliminated.

Break - during poker tournaments, the organisers will provide breaks at certain intervals, when players can leave the table, go to the bathroom and rest.

Brick - Similar to blank, but brick has a more negative connotation than merely worthless. It can be a high card that can be dangerous to your hand, or a pair of low-handed games.

Broadway - A straight 10 to Ace

Brush - A brush is a casino employee who greets incoming players, directs them to their table, informs them of available seats, among many other duties. His main job is to prepare the poker tables to receive new players. The term is also used as a verb in the sense of "recruiting", the brush's job is to recruit new players to a table. Also called as Floorman.

Bubble - In a poker tournament, the bubble is the last position not yet paid. It is also used in other senses, for example, if a TV final table has 6 players, the seventh place finisher is eliminated in the "TV bubble". It is also used to indicate proximity to a paying position only.

Bully - A frequent raiser, his main strategy is to push a more cautious player, who is largely sitting on a big stack, out of his comfort zone with a series of raises.

Burn Card, Burn - Burning The top card of the deck is always set aside, it does not participate in the deal. Similarly, the next card is "burned" before each community card is dealt.

Busted - Busted 1. Non-completed, 4-card draws are called busted draws. 2.

Button - Button, Dealer The last position at the table, post-flop the dealer always speaks last. This position is indicated by the dealer button to the left of the hand.

Buy-in - The buy-in fee for tournaments and the amount of money to sit down at the table for cash games.

Buy Short - A buy-in to a table with fewer chips than the usual buy-in. This is allowed in certain situations, usually after someone has lost a full buy-in or if all players agree.

Buy the Button - The tactic of players in late position, calling more than usual in order to get the players behind us to fold so that we can be in last position post-flop.

Buy the Pot - Buy the pot If no one has raised before us, we can put in a bet to get the other players to fold and then immediately take the pot. A variation of this is 'buying the blinds', where we make a big raise to fold with the blinds.

Back raise - A preflop play where a limper does not call a raise, but instead raises back.

Backer - A person or group that provides money and education to a player in exchange for a predetermined share of the player's profits.

Backing team - A group that provides money and education to several players in exchange for giving up a portion of their winnings to the backing team.

Backed - A player who is provided with money and education in exchange for giving up a portion of his winnings to the backer or backing team.

Bad Beat Story - A story in which a player recounts/describes a bad beat in hopes of sympathy from fellow players.

Badacey - A split game where half the pot is won by the best A-5 Triple Draw Lowball hand and the other half by the best Badugi hand. This player may be a single person, in which case he wins the entire pot.

Badeucey - A similar format to Badacey, where half the pot is won by the best 2-7 draw hand and the other half by the best Badugi hand. These two players can be the same person, in which case the pot goes to him.

Badugi - A four-card game format in which the goal is for players to form the lowest triple draw hand, using cards of different suits. The best card here is considered to be A-2-3-4 in different suits. Although its origin is unknown, some sources claim that it originated in Korea.

Baller - A high-stakes, winning player who leads a lifestyle typical of the wealthy.

Bankroll management - One of the keys to long-term success in poker. The set of rules by which a player manages his bankroll to protect it from excessive fluctuations.

Barrel - A continuous call over several streets. If a player bets on the flop and continues on the turn, it is called a first barrel, if he bets on the river it is called a second barrel.

Belly buster -A straight draw with a missing card at the middle.

Bet sizing - Usually the ratio of the pot to a player's call.

Betting pattern - A pattern derived from a player's betting habits, consisting of the player's typical bet sizing and frequency.

Big Blind Special - A preflop worthless hand where the player in the big blind position makes a strong hand until the river and wins the pot. Typically, most players would have folded preflop, but because the hand was played "for free" from the big blind, it was played.

Big lick - The slang name for a 6-9 card combination.

Big Slick - The slang name for the combination of A-K.

Busto - A player who has lost his entire bankroll. (from the English word busted)

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