GGPoker - $8000  - GGPoker : 2024-07 - 2024. July 01 - 31
Period:  7/1/24 - 7/31/24
Type:  point race



Updated: 2024. July 31., 23:59

room:  GGPoker
network:  GGNetwork

To participate in the promotion, you must log in or sign up!

GGPoker registration
Terms and conditions

Promotion type: point race

Period: 7/1/24 - 7/31/24

Prize: $8000

payout: Until the 10th of the following month, after the race ends

payout type: GGPoker player account

GGPoker is hosting a cash race worth C$8.000 in July, exclusively for players! Check out the high return VIP club (where you can receive up to 60% Rakeback) and the welcome bonus to get the whole picture.

race Information

* $1 net rake = 3 pont
Prizes will be paid out in C$
Attention! In order to be eligible for prizes, players need to add their GGPoker username (login name) to their profile. You can do that by clicking on "Enter your GGPoker username (login name)!" below.
If you have any questions about our race, feel free to contact us!

Terms and conditions

  • Only players who register to GGPoker via link are eligible to participate.
  • The leaderboard rankings are based on a net rake. The displayed results are net rake numbers, which are calculated with the following formula: (Gross rake - Fish Buffet prizes-Central promotions) -2x (First Deposit Bonus +Tournament overlay +Deposit and/or Withdrawal costs) + casino win/loss.
  • and GGPoker reserve the rights to change the details.
  • IMPORTANT! The prizes you win through the Fish Buffet Program will be deducted from the generated rake. The numbers which can be seen in the leaderboard are the reduced numbers.
  • Players can not achieve a rakeback higher than 35% from the race. For example, if a player with $500 in rake finishes 6th, that player will receive a C$175 prize instead of C$300.
  • Leaderboard rankings are determined on the basis of generated rake. The rake a player generates every Monday and Sunday from 00:00:00 ~ 23:59:59 (UTC+0) will be doubled towards this race's leaderboard.
  • Only players who register to GGPoker via link are eligible to participate.
  • The leaderboard rankings are based on the GGNetwork's unique Player Value Index(PVI) formula. The displayed results are net PVI numbers, which is calculated with the following formula: Gross PVI rake - 2x First Deposit Bonus - Fish Buffet prizes - Tournament overlay - Deposit and/or Withdrawal costs.
  • and GGPoker reserve the rights to change the details.
  • To be eligible for the chase prize money, the player needs to spin all his Fish Buffet spins he collected during the chase period. Use all of your Fish Buffet spins until the last day of the month!
  • We handle Chase prize payouts quite flexible at GGPoker. The default payment method is transfer to your GGPoker player account, but we can transfer rewards to you via Skrill, Paypal, and BTC as well. In addition, we also try to fulfill other requests.
  • The First Deposit Bonus (the part you cleared during the chase period), and the deposit/withdrawal costs will be deducted from your chase prize!
  • If the player's points are negative at the closing of the leaderboard period, the negative balance will be carried over the following month and deducted from their points.
  • Prizes will be determined based on the number of hands played by players during the given period provided by GGPoker.
# Player Prize point
1 ~ m*s*i*h*g*8 $1150 32,849
2 ~ P*s*D*n* $950 4,729
3 ~ g*o*o*s*t*a*m* $750 3,552
4 +3 R*c*y*R*a*h $550 3,353
5 -1 G*n*a*f*e* $375 2,905
6 -1 w*n*t*b*k $300 2,606
7 -1 s*e*d*i*s $300 2,167
8 +3 M*i*i* *a*t* $265 2,074
9 -1 n*S*e*h*! $250 1,912
10 ~ H*r*P*i*o* $250 1,798
11 -2 T*m*n*t*r $225 1,661
12 +1 k*r*s*8 $225 1,424
13 -1 T*u*s* $225 1,314
14 +1 P*s*u*y $185 1,113
15 +1 M*X*K*I $185 1,098
16 +4 T*m*s*f*s* $185 1,055
17 ~ S*s*n* $130 1,047
18 -4 d*4*1*g*d*4* $130 1,045
19 -1 C*f*P*W $130 1,011
20 -1 h*r*y*o*t*r* $115 1,010
21 +2 p*a*e*7*5 $115 989
22 ~ L*m*t*r*s*e*8* $115 940
23 +1 l*i*0 $95 862
24 +7 B*r*k*1*3* $95 817
25 ~ L*p*n*k* $95 793
26 ~ C*n*t*V*l*d*r* $75 776
27 +2 N*m*1* $75 761
28 -1 J*l*a*A*n $75 740
29 -8 l*m*t*e*s* $75 710
30 +36 N*_*o*a*i $75 708
31 -1 A*a*o*0* $50 630
32 -4 d*d*1* $50 621
33 ~ P*o*p*r*x $50 542
34 -2 D*r*c*l* *y*s*i $35 530
35 -1 j*n*o*a*c* $35 512
36 -1 B*d*K* - 497
37 +3 L*K*2*7 - 496
38 -2 M*-*s*i - 487
39 ~ A*t*l*8*8 - 431
40 -3 M*g*i*A*y*s - 421
41 -3 A*a*z*- - 411
42 +1 a*a*p*0 - 383
43 +2 j*k*b - 375
44 -3 d*d*0*7 - 374
45 +1 L*c*y*B*i*d*r - 352
46 -2 U*h*n*e*m*n - 344
47 -5 T*l*@*k - 343
48 +1 C*r*a*1* - 343
49 -2 R*m*a*s*7* - 342
50 -2 w*z*n*a*o* - 331
51 -1 t*l*o*t*a*o*z*a - 318
52 -1 S*m*u*M*s*e* - 306
53 +2 p*a*e*1*e*z - 296
54 -2 J*n*1*0* - 288
55 -2 O*1*x*i - 286
56 ~ F*s*f*r* - 235
57 +3 T*i*o*e* - 212
58 -1 C*a*e*z*2* - 210
59 ~ c*p*r*t - 209
60 -2 D*l*y*5 - 204
61 +2 K*a*e*i*s - 195
62 +7 S*m*5* - 180
63 -2 N*e*Y*u*C*i*s - 176
64 +1 A*o*i* - 174
65 -3 v*k*0* - 172
66 +2 P*s*i*1 - 169
67 +4 N*t*a*k*n - 159
68 -1 G*_*a*t*n - 157
69 -5 B*t*a*Y*u*w*r* - 140
70 +2 k*z*e*2*2* - 135
71 +4 C*m*o*h - 129
72 +2 Z*b*i - 128
73 +7 V*k*n*a*y*k - 125
74 +3 D*e*N*b*l*7* - 125
75 +1 H*r*T*r*e* - 125
76 +14 j*z*i*o*i - 124
77 +57 P*t*e*Z - 122
78 ~ W*i*e*a*k*1* - 120
79 ~ p*r*i* - 112
80 +1 H*r*y*P*O*t*r - 108
81 +1 h*s*y*m* - 106
82 +1 H*N*Y* - 102
83 -13 M*n*i*5 - 100
84 +1 b*z*A*1 - 98
85 +1 s*n*i*9*4 - 98
86 -2 f*a*t*i*a*l*2* - 96
87 +2 N*v*r*o*t*i*d - 86
88 +3 A*l*a*s*u*z - 83
89 +3 G*o*k* - 82
90 +6 t*i*l*9* - 77
91 +2 b*l*e* - 76
92 +7 f*l*o*a*o - 76
93 +5 R*u*G*9 - 62
94 ~ S*o*d*i*h*0 - 62
95 +10 g*4*y*r*a*s - 61
96 +14 M*S*-*0* - 61
97 +6 p*k*r*a*l*1* - 61
98 +3 S*l*r*o - 59
99 -2 h*n*i*2* - 58
100 -46 B*n*g* - 58
101 -13 T*b*s*k - 58
102 +2 J*H*N*C*G*6* - 57
103 +3 L*z*e* - 55
104 +5 w*f*o*s*i*k - 49
105 +8 S*a*y*8* - 49
106 +8 V*l*a*o*6 - 48
107 +8 R*d*a*_*l*e* - 47
108 +4 k*d*o*8* - 47
109 -7 4*t*s* - 46
110 +6 7*s*i*e* - 46
111 -4 k*n*b*j - 46
112 -25 G*r*1*8* - 44
113 -13 a*d*c*1*n - 44
114 +3 d*v*d*4 - 42
115 +74 C*a*o*y*N*n* - 39
116 +5 P*o*o*y*e* - 31
117 +1 l*g*n*1 - 30
118 +21 j*r*s*f*t*s - 30
119 -8 O*t*t*k*z*o*T - 28
120 New player f*l*n*p*a* - 27
121 +2 T*e*z*n*r*y - 27
122 ~ A*s*V - 27
123 New player A*b*r*o*k*e - 26
124 +3 P*o*a*e*z*1 - 25
125 -17 r*l*s*1* - 24
126 -1 B*n*e*z*2 - 22
127 -7 g*o*g*c*i* - 22
128 -2 A*u*i*z*4 - 21
129 -5 B*4*k*5 - 21
130 +1 P*l*m*7* - 19
131 -12 Z*o*s*0* - 19
132 +1 J*e*e* - 18
133 +4 z*a*0*2 - 18
134 +1 j*m*o*3 - 17
135 -47 a*t*s* - 16
136 +2 h*t*e*h*t*6 - 15
137 +8 p*n*o*o*i - 15
138 +2 A*_*o*i*u*1 - 15
139 +2 T*e*o*0*8 - 15
140 -12 a*r*a*m*n* - 15
141 -9 F*c*s*n*i*e - 14
142 ~ t*e*l*z*_*u* - 13
143 +5 p*r*c*e*1* - 12
144 +15 f*n*w*n* - 12
145 +48 B*s*e*8* - 11
146 +4 r*p*o*b*o* - 11
147 +7 B*t*y*t*k - 11
148 +1 c*b*c*a - 11
149 +3 A*z*k*s*a - 11
150 +5 p*y*r*7* - 10
151 +5 p*o*o* - 10
152 +5 G*o*l*g*t - 9
153 +5 S*u*d*m*d*r - 9
154 +6 I*s*A*w*y*F*n - 9
155 +6 D*d*y*i*h*2 - 9
156 +11 T*l*c - 8
157 +8 J*c*o* - 8
158 +10 U*L*c*y*G - 8
159 +10 B*n*e*m - 7
160 +11 i*t*n* - 7
161 +27 K*c*i*2 - 7
162 -15 K*r*k*s*8*h*n - 7
163 +9 Z*o*t*x*6* - 7
164 +6 B*h*n*G*d*B*c* - 6
165 +10 v*d*u*k* - 6
166 +17 P*p*t*G* - 6
167 +9 c*k*a* - 5
168 +9 F*s*e* - 5
169 -18 H*g*e*E*o* - 5
170 +8 T*r*e*t*7* - 5
171 -76 W*d*a*a* - 5
172 +1 A*f*g* - 4
173 +8 T*n*o*o*o - 3
174 +12 S*i*t*n*h*e* - 3
175 +15 P*m*e*l* - 2
176 +15 t*0*f - 2
177 -31 m*g*u*9* - 2
178 +9 D*d*k*a* - 2
179 -36 R*n*u*A*d*a* - 2
180 -16 s*a*e*e*z* - 2
181 +13 J*s*w*n - 2
182 +15 M*y*r*L*n*k* - 1
183 +15 K*W*s*a - 1
184 +16 s*n*e* - 1
185 +7 l*l*o*e* - 1
186 +16 A*_*u*l*h*n - 1
187 -10 T*c*e* *a*l*o* - 1
188 +15 p*u*s*k - 1
189 +6 r*c*m*n* - 1
190 -5 c*i*a*u*p* - 1
191 +13 T*e*u*N*m*d - 1
192 +14 A*a*g*r* - 1
193 +14 M*B*u*e*a*n* - 0
194 +16 W*l*3*7 - 0
195 +6 c*e*o - 0
196 +13 H*N*3*Z - 0
197 +15 l*c*n*u*s - 0
198 +16 D*c*s*e*n - 0
199 +16 H*d*o*o*e* - 0
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