Rakerace.com has a stable and trustworthy partner in these markets.
Deposits and withdrawals are fast, and the rakeback always arrives on time.
Because the registration method and the gameplay are quite different here, please reach out to us for more details.
In Italy, gambling has a long history.The world's first casino opened in Venice in 1638, but even earlier, backgammon's predecessor was already famous during the Roman Empire. It is no different today.In Italy, live and online poker is legal as long as the service company has a local license.Although Italy has joined the online player-sharing agreement alongside France, Spain, and Portugal, the contract has not been ratified. Thus, Italian players can only play against Italian opponents.Now, however, Rakrace.com allows you to try yourself in Italian rooms. The primary value for winning players is to be found in the excellent player pool.
Important! Due to the internal regulators of segregated markets, we recommend these rooms only to our players who can generate over €250 rake per month because of the monthly rental costs in these rooms.
(33,33% weighted)
We have no information of any withdrawal issues, but the withdrawals carry through an external Agent.
(25,00% weighted)
Due to the independence of the Asian room and the lack of permission, we advise you to keep only a minimal amount in your account. In the Italian room case, the reliability index of the license and the Ipoker network is much higher.
(16,67% weighted)
The Italian room has income from casino games as well.
(16,67% weighted)
Easy access to the segregated market. Our player's feedbacks are all positive.
(8,33% weighted)
The Italian room is part of the Ipker network.