Two of the most active players of the stakes are newcomers: ‘Johnbest’ has played 10,214 hands in the month so far, while ‘lima81’ is currently at 9,917. ‘Lima81’ appeared at the HS tables after the re-launch of FTP but played little. Now, however, he is playing on a daily basis, even though failing to make the best of it with -$178,861 to his name.
‘Johnbest’ is also down $53,460. He came first to the field in 2011 but his initial attempts were cut short by Black Friday. He returned only in this March after the re-launch and he has been speeding up this month.
Arguably the most successful greenhorn is ‘knezeef’, who is currently 5th on the June profit list with $262,318 in winnings in 1,417 hands. Other notable players to take their shots are ‘hotmark777’ ($65,246), ‘MightyMatz’ ($57,929), ‘Kamaldon’ ($37,311), ‘che_aka_blacx’ (-$12,621) and ‘schickelgruber’ (-$23,331), to name just a few.
Of course, the seasoned pros remain to dominate the field in June as well: Hac ‘trex313’ Dang is in the lead with $1,097,560 in profits, ahead of ‘kagome kagome’ ($644,957) and ‘KPR16’ ($554,797). ‘Trex313’ won $466,802 in a single session in $200/$400 PLO on Tuesday, mainly from ‘Vaga_Lion’.

Hac 'trex313' Dang
The person who has lost the most in June so far is probably of little surprise to most fans: Gus Hansen is already down $1,483,093 this month. The Danish FTP Pro runs terribly this year; even though it seemed he could come back in May, finishing runner-up on the monthly profit list with $829,140 in winnings, his upswing has apparently not lasted long. He has a total of $3,457,618 in losses this year, having by far the worst stats for 2013.