![€120,000 Sponsorship Competition €120,000 Sponsorship Competition](/files/images/original/1/1/0/2/3/1023.png)
Starting in April and ending in June, Point Poker is giving away 12 sponsorship deals, worth €10,000 each. In the Point Poker Sponsorship Competition, players who are able to qualify actually have the chance to win not only one, but several sponsorship deals during the above mentioned period.
Players have two options to qualify for the sponsorship agreements, with new qualifications starting every week.
Let's now have a look at how exactly the qualification works (Terms and Conditions will be listed at the end of the article):
![Point Poker Challenge Structure Point Poker Challenge Structure](http://blog.pointpoker.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/stegeeng3.jpg)
Option 1 (SC Tournament qualification): This is the option for tournament players. A total of six contracts can be won this way.
Point Poker will be running an MTT tournament on every day of the qualifier weeks, starting Monday.
There will be seven tournaments each qualifying week.
Name of Tournament: SC Tournament
Time: 19:00 CET
Buy in: € 10 + € 1
Format: NL Holdem Freezeout
The tournament will be listed under the Tournaments tab -> Special within the poker client. Players receive tournament points according to their performance within the daily tourneys. Scores will be updated every day and will be viewable at a SC Tournament Leaderboard. Whoever has the highest number of tournament points after a qualifying week wins a sponsorship deal worth €10,000.
At the beginning of the next tournament week, the SC Tournament Leaderboard scores will be reset to zero, and all players will have an equal chance to win the next round.
![Tournament Structure Tournament Structure](/files/images/original/1/1/0/2/2/1022.jpg)
SC tournament qualifying weeks:
April 11 - 17
April 25 - May 1
May 9 - 15
May 23 - 29
June 6 - 12
June 20 - 26
Option 2 (SC Challenge qualification): This is the option available for cash game players at Point Poker. A total of six contracts will be awarded using this method.
There will be a race starting on every Monday of the Challenge Qualifier weeks, and the player who collects the most VIP points during these weekly races will win a €10,000 sponsorship deal. Places 2-8 will be awarded cash prizes. The leaderboard will be reset before the beginning of the next Challenge qualifier week.
IMPORTANT: In order to be eligible for the SC Challenge Race, players need to send an email with their username and the subject 'SC Challenge Qualifier X' to info@pointpoker.com (X marks the number of the qualifier a player wishes to participate in, and if they want to participate in multiple races, they need to do this every time they apply for a race)
Example: If you would like to play the third qualifier (held between May 16 to 22), write 'SC Challenge Qualifier 3' as the subject of the email.
1. Players participating in the Challenge may not upload more than €500 to their poker account during the contest period.
IMPORTANT: It is allowed to have more money in the cashier/betting account/casino account, as these sums do not count towards the maximum €500 a player may use during the race.
2. If a player transfers (or starts the race with) more than €500 to their poker account during the race, the player will automatically be disqualified.
3. Naturally, it is allowed to start the race with less than €500 in your poker account and then make several transfers from the cashier/betting or casino account during the race period, up to the maximum amount of €500, without being disqualified.
Example: A player starts the race with €250 in the poker account, then, on day 4, decides to upload another €250 to the poker account from the casino account. This player will still be able to participate in the race, as the total amount of money transferred to the poker account does not exceed the maximum €500 allowed.
Any player who violates the maximum transfer rule during a SC Challenge race will be disqualified from the competition. Point Poker will double-check at the end of each race period that no one has broken this rule.
![SC Challenge Structure SC Challenge Structure](/files/images/original/1/1/0/2/1/1021.jpg)
Terms & Conditions (as viewable on Point Poker's official site)
* A player that wins a sponsorship agreement receives a bankroll to a value of € 10,000.
* If a player wins multiple sponsorship agreements the players bankroll will be increased with another € 10,000 for each sponsorship agreement won.
* Player undertakes to write at least one blog post per week about his/her poker playing, which will be published on Point Poker.
* A sponsored player who plays with the sponsored bankroll may retain 50% of any profits and 50% of any monthly promotion (e.g. Point Poker Challenge Rake Races, which runs every month with a prize pool of between € 15,000, € 30,000).
* A sponsored player plays with 30% rakeback while being sponsored and retains 50% of this rakeback.
* Point Poker has the right to publish the picture and name of the sponsored player.
* The player will be coached by a professional poker player appointed by Point Poker.
* The player will receive help with bankroll management. Therefore, the player will be guided by his coach how much of the profit from the original sponsored bankroll of € 10,000 the player may withdraw each month. The goal is that the player will become better and better and able to play at higher levels.
* The player can not withdraw money from the sponsored bankroll if the total value of the sponsored bankroll is € 10,000 or less.
* The players coach will decide what level / buy-in the player may play based on the player’s previous experience / knowledge of poker and how well/how bad the player is running.
* The coach will determine how much of the bankroll the player can lose in one day. This will be done by a transfer to the sponsored poker player account each day. This is done to optimize the bankroll management for the player and for the coach to be able to coach the player in best possible way. This also avoids the player from tilting and losing too much money in one single day.
* The coach will estimate how much daily bankroll the player needs depending on the player’s experience / knowledge and history during the sponsorship period. The idea is that the player must improve his/her game and in return receive a larger daily bankroll and be able to climb in levels as the players become a better poker player.
* The player agrees to only play at Point Poker with the sponsored bankroll.
* The player may get approval by his/her coach to use a part of the sponsored bankroll to play live events. The coach will then through consultation with the player decide which live event the player may play and how much of the bankroll may be used. The player commits to always represent Point Poker during these events and play in Point Poker branded clothes.
* The player can not withdraw money from the sponsored bankroll without his/her coach approval first.
* If the Player violates the rules and guidelines for the sponsorship agreement or by any means violates the Entraction Network rules, Point Poker may withdraw the sponsorship agreement and the sponsored bankroll at any time.
Good Luck for all the players taking part in the challenges!