Seat 1: David Vamplew – 629,000
Seat 2: Jamie Armstrong – 451,000
Seat 3: Dan Kelly – 625,000
Seat 4: Brandon Meyers – 595,000
Seat 5: Darryll Fish – 432,000
Seat 6: David Peters – 435,000
Seat 7: Trevor Pope – 3,420,000
Seat 8: Jared Hamby – 629,000
Even though beginning to lose from his stack, in hand #34, he eliminated shortstack David Peters with Q-Q against K-2 to climb back to 3,565,000 in chips. He went on to rail Brandon Meyers, who ran all-in with A-Q but met Pope’s pocket aces, and then Kelly as well, who shoved with aces on the T-6-T-7 board, where Pope called with Q-7 and rivered another seven.
Trevor Pope – 4,490,000
Jamie Armstrong – 730,000
Darryll Fish – 730,000
Jared Hamby – 730,000
David Vamplew – 535,000
Jamie Armstrong was out in 5th, his A-3 being overrun by Vamplew’s A-Q, and then it was Jared Hamby, who lost his stack. Hamby shoved with 1,230,000 on Pope’s 100,000 raise on Level 28 (5,000/25,000/50,000) and Pope called.



Pope won with a flush.
A couple of hands later, Fish shoved with only 375,000 in chips on J-8 and Pope called with nines to see a neutral board. This set the heads-up.
Trevor Pope – 6,665,000
David Vamplew – 550,000
The duel lasted for only seven hands; even though Vamplew could double up once, he failed his second attempt. In the last hand, he raised to 100,000, Pope shoved and Vamplew called.



Pope won the tournament with two pairs.

Pope’s best live tournament result had been his 6th finish in last year’s WPT Championship for $155,571. He now won his first ever WSOP bracelet, together with the $553,906 first prize.
The end results are as follows:
1st: Trevor Pope – $553,906
2nd: David Vamplew – $342,450
3rd: Darryll Fish – $215,286
4th: Jared Hamby – $154,518
5th: Jamie Armstrong – $112,695
6th: Dan Kelly – $83,552
7th: Brandon Meyers – $62.915
8th: David Peters – $48,130